Bill Gates posed for playboy as a teen?!!!!

2 October 2001
<B>WARNING: You may want to scratch your eyes out after viewing this... but I assure you THIS IS WORK SAFE! There's no nudity.</B>

Some old photos of Bill Gates as a teenager have surfaced. However they are more embarrassing than typical teenage pix.

<B><A HREF="">Bill Gates teen posing for camera</A></B> : open then scroll down

Let this be a lesson to us all - NEVER pose like this for a camera. :p

ok... let the prime funny comments begin... :D
Is it just me or does the whole thing have a 'Tom Green' feel to it

The comments on the site are good;

"I'd let him log onto me anytime"

"So much future, so little sex"

"Oooo Bill! Promise me I won't get a virus. Promise"

"Don't worry baby, I always use a firewall"


"Looks like the first two out of a set of sixteen. Oy."

"I thought Urkel was black"

"For refreshing time, make it Suntory time" (lost in translation quote)

"ooooooooooooohhhhhh billy! " (Cable Guy quote)
(thrusts nipple against monitor)

"Hey Bill can you look over these repor... I’ll come back later."