Beware the salvage title craigslist cars...

25 February 2012
In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy I have probably seen HUNDREDS of photos like this one from Getty Images:


That one is from New York, and many more like it can be seen from all over.

What does this mean? Just like Katrina, Sandy has left a slew of flooded, soon-to-be-salvage title cars in her wake. In a matter of weeks, private sellers on craigslist as well as sketch-ass second rate dealerships are going to be hawking these at absurdly low prices while trying to play off the branded title.

So, if you're shopping for a used car on the east coast any time soon, be extra vigilant for signs of water damage.

As an aside, I hope no NSXes suffered this horrible fate during the storm, but given the widespread area of its impact, I fear there must have been a few...
And next time you ride a cab in New York City, at least they'll have a good reason for why it smells so bad...

I can see the ads now. <insert car make/model/year> Looks and runs great. Slight musty smell. Clean title. Current Florida registration. ;)
I'll take a flooded NSX anyday

dont have to worry about rust well for the most part

strip the car to the chassis let everything sit out in the sun for like 2 weeks, put it all back together start car.

the NSX really is in a class by itself

try that BMW, or Mercedes

but your right, I might pick me up a new car for a beater.
I'll take a flooded NSX anyday

dont have to worry about rust well for the most part

strip the car to the chassis let everything sit out in the sun for like 2 weeks, put it all back together start car.

Except most of the cars that are going to pop up at aforementioned sketch-ass second rate dealerships will just have been detailed with no mechanical work before they get flipped...
And next time you ride a cab in New York City, at least they'll have a good reason for why it smells so bad...


Notice that these were all NEW cabs waiting for delivery. None of them have any branding and all have the cable taped down on the roof for the "light bucket thingy" that goes on top. That's even more shocking, its basically a new car dealership of cabs that just became flooded out.
Ha you can see oil plume in the water. Such a waste, cars being at the low end of the cost spectrum of damage.
Notice that these were all NEW cabs waiting for delivery. None of them have any branding and all have the cable taped down on the roof for the "light bucket thingy" that goes on top. That's even more shocking, its basically a new car dealership of cabs that just became flooded out.

They still make *new* crown vics? Or new as in, freshly repainted cop car...