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BEWARE**Paul Herman Motorcars**

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11 November 2003
Dunedin, FL
Just thought i would warn any would be NSX buyers about Paul over at Paul herman Motorcars in Buffalo, NY. I spoke with him on a tuesday afternoon (2pm), he said he would hold this NSX for me for 2 days. i told him i would see him at 9am the next day. I traveled 5 hours with a trailer in the middle of the night to meet with him by 9 am. he never had the nerve to show or the courtesy to even call. when i called him at 9:30am all he could say was i'm sorry i took a deposit on the car and cant sell it to me. I figure before someone else looses a day of work and gas fund for 650 or more miles i would warn you all STAY AWAY...

That does suck.

I just figure that anyone in the business of selling big ticket items will always sell to the first guy with cash. This can be good or bad depending on who gets to the guy first with the money.

Its always safe to try to get a deposit down. Most dealers take credit cards if you can do it over the phone and by law they would have to hold it for you.

I feel your pain, but... i've been on the other end many times..

no deposit means the item is NOT sold.

His problem was not telling you that.
if the 97 silver you were looking for, it is back on the market again :D I am glad you let this known to community. He should have atleast call if the car were no longer for sales. or better yet, show up on time!!!
paul herman motorcars

A dealer friend of mine saw this NSX at the same auction... the car sold at auction for 30k with announced frame damage on left rear.
JAM said:
A dealer friend of mine saw this NSX at the same auction... the car sold at auction for 30k with announced frame damage on left rear.
Wow, read the eBay auction description. These scumbags claim that the paint work done to the left rear was due to a "scratch"!!!!!:mad: jh4na216xvt000206

If only half the things about that car is true its too bad that it wasnt what they said.

I feel bad for the guy that actually bought it.

I looks like you lucked out racerx24! :)
I had the pleasure of seeing this car in person at the auction they bought it from as my friend took me to see how big of a sale it it...


Reading the description is laughable to say the least. We checked over this car and it has paint work all over it on the front and passanger side, and even though it is visable to the naked eye, we also measured it with a paint guage to know for sure. I really wonder who they have writing this BS and if they have even looked at the car. :rolleyes:
hey jam, you must admit manheim auto auction some joint. largest highlinbe and exotic auction in the country!
hey jam, you must admit manheim auto auction some joint. largest highlinbe and exotic auction in the country!
:eek: is the look on my face when I walked around the lot... I cant beleive how big that place is and how many cars were there! I must have seen 20-30 Ferraris, 5 or so NSXs, and over 100 Porsches. I dont see how any dealer can focus on buying cars when there is so much to look at!

As always there is two sides to every story and although I do understand your frustration after driving such a distance, what you have said is mostly untrue. We tell EVERYONE that no car is sold or on hold until we have some sort of deposit. If when you get here and the car is not as described or up to par with what you think it should be, then we will refund all of your money. And I think that is rather fair!! I even have that stated extremely clearly in the Ebay description for this car. We are family owned and operated and always work in an ethical fashion, but what most people don't understand is that we are a business and I have at least 10 people a day telling me that they are for sure going to buy a car and please hold it for them and then I never hear from them again. If I put every car on hold that someone said they were coming to look at or definitely going to buy I might as well just go out of business. For those of you who don't sell cars over the internet it is very hard to understand what the typical Ebay customer is like. For the most part, any person who has contacted me off of NSXPRIME has been wonderful and is a serious buyer, but 99.9% of the people we get off Ebay are scum and simply looking to waste my time and not actually interested in buying anything. That being the case, it is very, very difficult for us to weed out the serious customers. I know it sucks for you real buyers out there that these people have forced us to work this way, but I still need to run my business. So again though, because of that, our policy is that we will never hold a consider a car sold until we have at least some money. The only way to ensure the car will still be on hold for you is to leave us a deposit before coming. As far as the other posts about the car, you are also seriously misinformed! I made it clear in my add that this car is everything I said it was or else I would give a 100% refund on the spot. There were two nearly identical, silver, high mileage NSX's at Manheim, one was in the lease lane and that car had frame damage, the suspension appeared to be messed up, and was painted all over. We purchased this NSX from Prestige Imports, one of the top highline dealers in the whole country. It ABSOLUTELY does not have frame damage or any paint other than the rear quarter that was also mentioned in the description. It's one of the nicest NSX's I ahve seen no matter wha tthe mileage and I will swear by that statement! The NSX is my favorite car and I have driven nearly 100 of them, so I know exactly what they are all about. I drove this car personally over 2,000 miles and it's physical appearance as well as overall mechanical condition was well above excellent. I wish I still had it, because I would love for any of you to come take a look at it and go for a drive and you would all know what an amazing example it was and it would end any questions about this or any of my other cars. The guy who bought it even told me that "I know the Ebay ad said it was in great shape, but this is so much better than I ever could have imagined."
And as for the flood damaged car on Ebay...No one had any idea the car had any flood damage. There was a problem with the Nav system after they got the car and when the dealer took apart the whole dash they found water damage inside. Turns out the car was in a Hurricane and there was no visible evidence what so ever so even after we ahd the car fully inspected, no one knew. The car looked and drove just like a nice LS400 should. We are currently suing the lease company we bought the car from and are very close to getting all the money back for Automatch. If I were scum I would have stuck him with the car and not spent so much of my time and energy working to refund all of his money and make things right. We were told that we were not legally responsible to do anything for Automatch since we had no prior knowledge of the water damage. Yet I am spending a ton of my time and money ensuring that this gets resolved for him, which is way above and beyond what any "slime" dealer would do. Again, I am extremely sorry to the person that wasted their time coming to see us, but all I can say is that you should have left a deposit and the car would most likely have gone home with you. It infuriates me though to see all these other posts about my cars and my business when you have really have no idea what you talking about. I know there are some scumbag dealers out there and for the most part dealers in general have a bad rap, but in my time in the business I have encountered far more slimeball consumers than dealers. We do things the right way and sell great cars at what we think is a great price. READ ALL OF THE OTHER FEEDBACKS ON EBAY. I have 30 others saying we are the greatest people on earth, but you guys focused on the one bad one - And on top of just looking at that one, we are busting our asses to resolve it for them. I have a spectacular '99 NSX-T for sale right now that is listed in the market place and on Ebay - I have a '99 Zanardi edition #10 that is Comptech supercharged coming in tomorrow and will continue to have plenty of great NSX's for sale at very reasonable prices. If you choose to pass up these cars because someone was pissed off that we sold a car that they he gave us no money for, then that will be your loss because there is no doubt that they will get sold. I would prefer to sell these great NSX's to NSXPRIME members because you people truly appreciate these cars and deserve to own them... But I am still running business so if I have to sell them elsewhere I will. It's just a shame because the only reason this all started is because there are so many deadbeats on Ebay so I CAN'T hold cars for anyone and this guy is pissed off(and rightfully so) that he wasted his time, but he shouldn't be mad at me, he should be mad at all the people that forced any dealer trying to do business on the internet to work in this manor. If anyone needs anymore clarification I would be glad to give it.
So I'm wondering, how come Paul didn't reply but Chris did? Paul is the person racerx24 says he spoke with and whom he said would hold the car for him for 2 days. Does Paul acknowledge saying this? If he does, and racerx24 said he'd come the next day at 9am, only to find the car already sold, then you the dealer are in the wrong.
Valeno asked the very question I was about to.

Chris - I agree with everything you stated about sales and flaky people.
This whole debate hinges on one statement.

Dealer credibility and integrity are important.
The game

I feel for Racerx but there are alot of nice NSXs out there. You will find one just as nice or nicer than the one PH had.

The deal with cars, boats, big ticket items, etc is....

NO money....NO sale. Thats just the way it is.

I dont know Paul Herman motorcars and I dont know if they are credible or not. I just know the way the game is played.

If you cant understand the way the game is played then you are up for alot of disappointments.


Paul is my brother, we handle all deals together and anyone he talks to and anything he says is conveyed directly to me and vice versa. Basically I speak for him and he speaks for me, we both feel the same way and know everything that is going on with our business. When this gentleman spoke with Paul, he said he MIGHT come, Paul told him that in order to guarantee that the car will still be available he MUST send us a deposit. He did not feel comfortable sending any money to strangers without seeing the car, which is perfectly understandable, but Paul made it very clear that the car will not be held for him unless he gives us money - He refused. He NEVER called and said he was definitely coming, so most of what he said was a complete lie, which I didn't want to get into in my original post, but I guess it is important to all of you. Our place isn't even open until 10 a.m. so that is why no one was there when he came at 9. Again, we made it very clear that we would not hold this car for him without a deposit. He chose not to send one and therefore got beat to the deal by someone who was willing to send money right away. I will apologize again for the inconvenience, but that is the way the business works and it is his own fault for not trusting us enough to send a deposit or calling to confirm that he was coming. This guy is obviously pissed off that he wasted his time, but he blew this WAY out of proportion, made up lies about what really happened, and is making us sound like criminals and we did nothing wrong. We made it clear the car wouldn't be held without a deposit, he didn't give us one, someone else paid us before he got here...There's really not too much else to say. As I said in my earlier post, I have had and will continue to have many fantastic NSX's for sale and would love to be able to sell them to true NSX lovers(NSXPRIME members). If you choose to believe this mans slanderous statements about us and our cars that is your choice and the cars will be sold elsewhere. If you were smart, you'd come check out our cars and see first hand how we do things, not take someones word for it. I have about 100 people I've sold cars to online that will back up everything I'm saying about us. Does anyone even know the guy who started this and does he have any sort of credibility? Another thing I've learned while dealing online, is that when people aren't face to face and pardon my French, they love to talk out of their asses. We take pride in our vehicles and in customer satisfaction and if you make a deal with us you will get to experience that firsthand.

Chris@Paul Herman said:
I have a spectacular '99 NSX-T for sale right now that is listed in the market place and on Ebay - I have a '99 Zanardi edition #10 that is Comptech supercharged coming in tomorrow and will continue to have plenty of great NSX's for sale at very reasonable prices.

Hey Chris

Off topic, Z #10 What are you guys looking to get for this car?
I was looking into its last year, but the owner would not give up on his price. I know its been around know.

I just want to thank Chris for come here and defending your position, most dealers wouldn't waste there time even if they knew that they were right.(hope that made sence).

Anyways, give me a good deal on #10:D
Well I wasn’t going to waste my time with these scumbags but now that I've been called a liar I have to step in and say something. I understand defending family, but when it is done so without the facts it is just wrong. As for me MAYBE coming to see the car that is not true, I told the silent "Paul" that I WOULD see him in the morning at the time HE said of 9am. And as for any mention of leaving a deposit, also not true. I called the night before just under concern of the trans serial number, and asked him to call me back, but no response. He said he tried to call me back but my phone was busy. We all know by now that with cell phones if no service is available voice mail kicks in, so that also was a lie. And it was a black NSX I was going to buy not a silver one so obviously there is more going on at this dealer than I care to know. Anyway thanks fellow NSXer’s for the support. I finally got one and will see some of you at the meets.
i find it hard to believe that someone traveling five hours with a trailer didnt convey that they were serious about the car. i hate it when people waste my time, especially 10 hours.. :mad: we'd be fighting!!!

if the car was spoken for and a deposit was placed the night before, a call would of been DAMN NICE..if he got there at 9am and you guys dont open till 10 then it was sold atleast the day before. CALL the guy!

Chris, i dont know why you even replied. Obviously youre covering your brother's ass. let him explain himself.

racerx24, good thing you didnt buy from these shady guys, give your hard earned money to better people..Paul & chris herman Motorcars suX..
Racer X should of put a deposit on the car. otherwise it is fair game. the dealer has the right to sell it to the first buyer whom comes up with money. It is called first come, first served. Don't blame the dealer for your oversight. If deposit were given, then the car should be held for agreed upon # of days.
It is against my nature to start name calling, but now I am furious and guess that it is necessary in this case because this man is a complete liar and a fool to boot and it seems that a lot of you side with him which angers me even further. First off, before I get started, let me say this AGAIN, what I say is what Paul says, I speak for him and he speaks for me - I have already said this in my last post, but apparently you are too ignorant to understand that. I do all the online writing and work and I am the the nsxprime member, so therefore I am responding, not him. And the only reason I brought up the silver car before was because if you read some of the other posts, someone said something about that car - Got it RACERX?? Now, there are a few people on here that understand that if you do not give a deposit the car will not be held for you, as disappointing as it may be, that's how it works. That is our policy, as well as just about anyone else in the world, so it doesn't make us slime, just a family trying to stay in business. Do any of you have any idea how many people tell me they are coming here to "for sure buy a car" or "definitely going to take it" and then I never here from them again? By most of these responses I don't think you do and unfortunately that number extremely outweighs the number of serious buyers, especially on the internet. I wish it wasn't that way and people weren't so inconsiderate, but that's the way the world works and I can't change it. So I, like anyone else in business, just try to cover my ass as much as possible and one way is by not holding any car for any person without a deposit. I don't know how many times I need to repeat that. It's not like we took this guys deposit and then blew him off and robbed him of his money, that would make us the scum in the bucket as he said we were, but we would never do something like that. Judging from my NUMEROUS past experiences with people that act like this person, my personal feeling is that this guy never even came here and made this whole story up. He's pissed for whatever reason that we sold the car to someone other than him and now he is pouting like a baby and trying to hurt me and my family by posting these lies. BUT, that doesn't even really matter since neither my brother nor I would EVER tell anyone that we would hold a car for 2 days without any money, especially one that we have so much interest in, which is what he states we said in his original post - So that should be enough right there to prove he is a complete and utter liar. SIMPLE AS THAT. We told him VERY CLEARLY we needed a deposit, he didn't feel comfortable, someone else did because they saw the good things other people that had dealt with our place said about us, his loss, go find another car. I would give anything in the world for him to be here and say this garbage he posted to my face because he and I both know the REAL truth!! I am done arguing and going back and forth on here like children, if this guy still has a problem and would like to continue to spread lies about my family, come by and see me, please. I know the truth and have told it to you all. I stand by my statement - Come experience the way we do things first hand and all your doubts will be gone and you will realize what an asshole this man really is. AND, if for some reason any car that we made a deal on wasn't up to what we said it was then we will give you a full, 100% refund on the spot!!!! So please, call me a scumbag again, because I know that is an option a scumbag that sells junk would give to his customers. It has never happened and never will because I am an honest and ethical dealer and do not lie or misrepresent my cars. And we treat every REAL customer like royality! BTW, for all you the rest of you know it alls out there, here is the feedback left for us on Ebay from the man who sent us his deposit and then purchased the black '91 NSX that this liar was supposedly going to come buy ----- A+++The most honest helpful people.Would buy again with no hesitation.THANKS! ----- That certainly sounds like an unsatisfied customer that we lied too and sold some piece of crap, right? The guy even called me today because he saw all these RIDICULOUS posts and he wanted to come on here and personally defend me. Now for a customer to go that far out of his way over a month after he got his car for something that he definitely doesn't need to be wasting his time on, we must be doing something right! I will say it again, I have had and will continue to have GREAT NSX's for sale and if you choose not to buy them because of this lying moron, then that is your loss and in all honesty isn't any skin off my back because as much as I would prefer to sell these cars to people who appreciate them, I'm still just running a business and cars like these will get sold, to prime members or not. Any NSX lover, which I am as well, should do themselves a favor and dissociate yourselves with the type of person that this man is. He makes all of you, this site, and your cars look bad. Here are the links to my two spectacular NSX's I have for sale now and hopefully you will all wise up and kick this guy off your wonderful site. This is my last response to this idiocy because some people just enjoy being scumbags for no reason and hurting other people through online messages because they don't have the balls to do it in person and again I know this because of NUMEROUS past experiences. I will never understand why, nor will I play into it by continuing to respond to these posts. I beg all you true buyers or doubters out there, please come check us out for yourselves, you will not be disappointed.

Perfect + absolutely gorgeous black on black '99 NSX-T with tons of upgrades

And an awesome '99 Comptech supercharged Zanardi edition #10

I'm very sorry for being so long winded, but obviously you all see that I take this very personally and mean everything that I say.

Thanks for you time,

Chris Herman
Internet Sales
Paul Herman Motorcars - Family owned and operated for over 20 years!!!
350 Hinman Ave
Buffalo, NY 14216
cell (716)861-5588
office (716)874-2288
fax (716)874-9340
Selling a car such as an nsx is not easy
buying one can be tough too

I sold an nsx to a nice youg man in calfornia via e-bay...he sent a 10% deposit like I asked in the ad and never heard from him again.

2 months later and many numorous attempts via e-mail, voice mail, and his home # still nothing...

One day I recieved a call from a man asking about my car for sale...I told him I had a deposit but the buyer was no where to be found.

He said I found your buyer and if the car is still for sale and being held I will send a cashiers check up for the remainder owed...

I said yes that is fine but who are you...? I am his dad and my 21 year old son says I will love this car...:)

Long story short I got to sell the car and the young man got his car...later he thanked me for the beautiful condition and putting up with all the BS...

I say it is hard to put $ down on a car a guy has only seen on the internet...pics tend to hide a lot of stuff...
but it is also hard to sell cars if no one will commit with $ down.
it is a tricky business
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