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    Caveat Emptor!

Beware: ENSSEX (Paul Villecourt)

28 September 2008
This message is for the MSX Prime moderator who reads it and anyone who intends on doing business with ENSSEX.

Since buying my NSX this past September and discovering the NSX Prime community, I have been impressed with the caliber and friendliness of its members. I've met some great people and sold a number of parts through this wonderful site. Everyone that I have encountered thru email and meeting face-to-face have been nothing less than courteous and honest individuals, until recently. So, it is with much disappointment (and anger) that I am compelled to post my experience with ENSSEX (Paul Villecourt).

Here is a brief summary of my experience buying parts from ENSSEX:

I purchased what was listed as a new pair of CF vents from ENSSEX this past December. After agreeing on a price of $425 for what he said were new Gruppe M vents in perfect cosmetic condition, he insisted on being paid via an international money order. I prefer to send money by cash transfer via Paypal, a free and bulletproof service I have used many times. That was "yellow flag #1." Paul's harsh opinion on Paypal and a few other things he said to me seemed out of place to say to a stranger (me). He also lives out of the country, so these two become "yellow flag #2."

After two weeks since I mailed Paul the money, he ended up sending the parts through regular mail, not FedEx as I strongly suggested he should. The flimsy box he used was delivered pretty banged up. However, Paul did use enough packing materials to provide some reasonable protection to these delicate parts. Still, a poor choice and bonehead thing to do. Anyone with basic common sense and consideration would have used a sturdy box to begin with.

Upon initial inspection, I noticed an abrasion and some surface scratches on one piece. The other looked OK. I immediately sent Paul an email. The next day and in better lighting, I discovered that same part was structurally damaged on an edge. This part was now junk and useless to me. I left Paul a voice message. A few days after that (the week of Christmas), he sent me an email saying he was on vacation, was sorry about the part being damaged, and won't be back until Jan. 2nd.

By January 4th, I still did not hear from him. I sent numerous emails requesting that he send me back my money. I also offered to help him with his claim with the post office. He only replied a couple of times and only made mention about the post office not showing the package having been delivered. He simply ignored my repeated request and demand to return my money.

As of today, January 19, I have not heard from this bum. It is my opinion that he sent the parts already damaged. Even if he did not, he simply refuses to give me back my money. Lastly, he only insured the parts for $100.