Better to buy NSX now or spring?

18 January 2002
Glenview, IL
I'm in the market for an NSX, but the winter here in Chicago is right around the corner and I wouldn't be able to drive it if I bought it now. My question is, from a financial stand point, would it be wiser to buy one now in the winter or possibly get a better deal now than in spring time? or will the prices pretty much be the same (or lower) in spring time?

Your thoughts are appreciated.



2001 QuickSilver Corvette Coupe - Not Stock [503 RWHP, 545 RWTQ]

2002 Black Acura 3.2 TL/S
Buying now, you know what prices are. Projecting prices six months from now is somewhat risky. Prices generally decline over time, and decline more rapidly for the newer model years. OTOH, you MAY find a better deal now than in spring, particularly from a dealer who may be more reluctant to let a car sit around for six months. Private sellers, OTOH, may be eager, or reluctant, to sell, at any time, for reasons that may or may not have to do with the time of year.

Your own finances may be a concern as well. One way or the other (either by paying interest/financing costs for someone else's money tied up in your car, or by sacrificing the "opportunity cost" of investing your own money in the car instead of elsewhere) you will be paying some form of financing cost for the car. You will pay insurance over the winter - at a reduced rate, since you can turn off your liability and collision coverages if you're not driving it, but you still pay something. As well as registration costs. So all of these costs, while not huge, are costs you will incur by buying now rather than waiting.

I would suggest that you start looking around now, if for no other reason than to get a sense of the market. If you find exactly what you're looking for, at a great bargain price, get it; otherwise, you can wait till spring.
Well..., if I remember correctly, the prices of 91-96 NSXs have remained pretty much the same from fall 2000 when I started looking for one. I should not have waited this long since I had felt that the prices of NSXs (91-96) would not drop that much even after a couple of years later (which is now).

I believe that the prices of NSXs in early years will pretty much stay the same next Spring. I am not sure about 97+. If you do not intend to drive it in Winter, I guess that you can save up little more over winter, and get the nicest one that you could afford!

In any case, it's a happy dilema.
Thanks for your input. I think I'll keep an eye out for a good deal on any Yellow NSXs, but will really seriously start looking in March.


2001 QuickSilver Corvette Coupe - Not Stock [503 RWHP, 545 RWTQ]

2002 Black Acura 3.2 TL/S