Best way to store a car outdoors...

19 January 2001
Chandler, AZ
I'll be keeping my NSX in the Bay Area for several months, and it will need to be kept out doors behind a gated driveway. I do not know what is best on how to store it. Should I keep a car cover off or keep one on? I worry that the repeated dampness and drying will damage the finish. Thoughts?

-- Chris

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I would cover the car with an Evolution 4 cover, not the OEM cover. The Evo4 cover should "breath" better and provide better protection in an uncovered and exposed environment.

Chris - check out these two sites for covers. I think you can find a cover for your application here. I haven't ordered from either but had a friend who did business with big sky and was happy.

Also my opinion is to keep a cover on your car. If you don't think you're going to get that much rain then get one that breaths more. Some of it depends on what area of No. Cal. the car will be kept in too. I don't think you're going to get mold and stuff to appear nearly as fast as we do up in Portland and Seattle.

Lake Oswego, Oregon
95T Blk\Blk SportShift

[This message has been edited by hejo (edited 28 October 2001).]
Originally posted by Nsxotic:
Build a garage around it.

The title of the thread does say "store"
Chris, did you mean store or will the car be in regular use? There are lots of temporary shelters available that are a step up from a cover but not so convenient for daily use.

The NSX Model List Page
Don't use a cover! I’ve tried many over the years and nothing that touches the surface of the car works well. They cause scratches, mildew, and other ill effects. Instead invest a few hundred dollars in one of the instant garages such as the ones at I’ve never dealt with this particular company and I’m not recommending them, but I think you get the idea. There is probably such a company local to your area.
Hey Chris, if you are not comfortable with "storing" the car, I can provide the regular "useage." LOL

G Dummy
this does not answer the question you asked, so sorry, but it seems like others have already gone away from the subject so at least I am not the first
. Have you considered a temporary storage unit? probably $60/month...
Originally posted by ScienceofSpeed:
$60.00 in the Bay Area? Are you on something my brotha?

-- Chris

Yes, I have been hitting the go fast crack pipe all weekend. $60/month is what a self storage space would go for in Sacramento, but you are right the Bay Area could be priced much differently.
Originally posted by dswartz:
Instead invest a few hundred dollars in one of the instant garages such as the ones at I’ve never dealt with this particular company and I’m not recommending them, but I think you get the idea. There is probably such a company local to your area.

Link 404'd, but you can try removing garage.html from the end.

I have to second this recommendation.

Some of my relatives had a similar problem and put up a similar "tent" over their car. It did a pretty good job of keeping the car out of the rain. Dew still forms on the car, but the amount was reduced quite a bit. It was comparable to outdoor covered apartment parking.

I do have 2 concerns about this method though--

First, you will need to figure out how to ship it to/away from the bay area. The car tents wont fit in the trunk even if folded up.

Secondly, you need to make sure that the enclosure is secured to the ground and wont blow over if we have another one of those super windy rainstorms. It may leave some nasty scratches if it collapses on the car. You may want to ask the manufacturer about this.

On the up-side, it'll save you the trouble of messing with a damp car cover at 1am after a hard days work (or during hard rain). Just park and forget.

With regards to the personal storage locker method -- dont you still need some sort of transportation to drive get you between the locker and where you are staying?
Well if you want to get picky.... I have a friend who uses something like this for his collectable cars.

Outdoor version

Indoor version

Another company

Lake Oswego, Oregon
95T Blk\Blk SportShift

[This message has been edited by hejo (edited 29 October 2001).]