Best NSX alarm

After touching down in Puerto Rico sometime last year... i saw a nice black NSX parked in front of a bar near the airport.... could this be you? :)

i figured i would not see any nsxes for a couple weeks but saw one the first night of our vacation :wink:
Enough Said

juejaimon said:
After touching down in Puerto Rico sometime last year... i saw a nice black NSX parked in front of a bar near the airport.... could this be you? :)

i figured i would not see any nsxes for a couple weeks but saw one the first night of our vacation :wink:

Yeah that's me but i sold and i bought a red 99' this one are 94'
if you are coming again to PR let me know.
Viper, (or any of the DEI's), CrimeStopper, Compustar - all pretty good and have very similar features. I have the Crimestopper - has the right features, good range & nice transmitter, so works for me.
The protection is going to be more in the install than the alarm itself, but you are more interested in the start feature so they all will do the job - pick one with good transmitter range & essentially the remote aesthetics you like.
Here is an install guide for the remote start - use this, or show it to your installer if you're having it done, to ensure a safe system.
nsx_pr said:
Yeah that's me but i sold and i bought a red 99' this one are 94'
if you are coming again to PR let me know.

We stayed there for over a week in total... before and after the cruise... beautiful place.. we'll be back... i'll look you up next time... :cool:
I'm using a Viper alarm as well. I added the optional proximity sensor and the "Aux" button on the transmitter opens the trunk which is a nice touch.

Keep in mind that is a professional theif wants your car he's going to get it regardless of the security system you have. These over the counter systems are good at foiling the amateurs. It would take a pro about 30 seconds using a winch to load your car into an enclosed soundproofed trailer and be gone.

I'm planning on adding a transmitter to my system so I'm notified the second it's triggered. I'm usually not far from the car when it's parked in public and Florida is a CCW permit State. :)
D'Ecosse said:
Viper, (or any of the DEI's), CrimeStopper, Compustar - all pretty good and have very similar features. I have the Crimestopper - has the right features, good range & nice transmitter, so works for me.
The protection is going to be more in the install than the alarm itself, but you are more interested in the start feature so they all will do the job - pick one with good transmitter range & essentially the remote aesthetics you like.
Here is an install guide for the remote start - use this, or show it to your installer if you're having it done, to ensure a safe system.

Perfect, thank you.

I have the Python 881XP (also a DEI brand name). My local installer put it in and it has trunk, remote start, an LCD remote and pager functions...

I went in with the guide from D'Ecosse and they figured it out pretty quick. They even asked if they could keep his instructions on file!!

I am very satisfied with the setup. It works well and keeps me from worrying.

Hope this helps,

The original thread with instructions is closed (not sure why?) I will ask Admin to move to the original just to keep teh reference all together.

Here is a slight addition in consideration of DEI (Viper, Python etc) model alarm that has an input for the neutral switch required at the brain to enable the starter function. Note that even though the DEI's require this interlock for the brain to be satisfied & to allow a starter signal to be generated, you still need my auxiliary circuit to enable the clutch pedal bypass.
In that case you also run the signal from the neutral switch to the brain input as per the diagram below.

Alternatively, you could use the parking brake switch (instead of the neutral switch) as the input to the brain - that would result in a system that would require the car to both be in neutral & with the parking brake set for ultimate safety. However I would feel confident in the safety even if the input to the brain was directly connected to ground (my Crimestopper has no input interlock required, only works with the interlock on the starter O/P using my circuit)
If you elect to use the parking brake as the input, you can pick this up as the green/red wire at the TCS or ABS controllers, at pin A12 of the safety indicator panel or at the switch itself by the brake lever.


nsx_pr said:
I want to buy a good/best/a lot of feaures car alarm for the nsx! :eek:
I would say full coverage insurance is the best alarm for the NSX. If somone really wants your car, they will get it regardless of the alarm you have.

Next best thing would be anything with tracking. I like pager alarms with decent range. Whenever it goes off, it notify me immediately and I am really to take action.