Best in car performance device - GTech, Geez, other?

I had a GTech Pro, and now have the Race Tech AP-22. I don't know which is more accurate, but the AP-22 had a LOT more features, and is easier to use. Here's a chart I found that summarizes them:

Both are good at working on your launch, since they are both fairly consistent. The AP-22 is easer to setup, since it compensates for some initial tilt, the GTech doesn't.

01' NSX-T Silverstone
02' Chevy Avalanche 1500
00' Suzuki Hayabusa GSX1300
02' Honda VTX-1800
02' Aprilia Falco SL1000
I have a G-tech Pro and wouldn't recommend it. I think it would be more useful if it had some type of alarm or tone to help you time your launch, as it is , it's difficult to use unless you have a co-pilot. I haven't decided yet if I believe the horsepower readings I'm getting- they vary almost 50 hp!
Originally posted by Andrie Hartanto:
This will do you more good. It can help improve the driver, other than the car. You can make the car faster/more powerful, but if the weak link is you, you will never get faster.
Good, another player. I have the G-Cube and rate it as very good for the money, especially if you already have a Palm. It uses only accelerometers with no other inputs, but the Geez software is quite good. (minor bugs aside)

I recently found these guys which are much like the cb-racing unit but runs with a Pocket PC as the logger. It appears to have more potential overall.
The PocketPC version looks good except you loose a lot of functionality and ease of install pre ODBCII