Best Friend's brother in law dies unexpectedly...

6 November 2006
Austin, TX
Thought I'd post just to get it off my chest.. my best friend's brother in law of whom they were fairly close died, unexpectadly. All the families are shocked and in grief...

He was ~26, good health, no issues. I met him at Denny's one night when I was hanging out with the family... we talked Politics for quite a while. He was very principled, a Republican though his choice was not my first choice ;) It hasn't hit me that he's really dead, gone forever, at least in this life and the implication that I too am mortal and could go any minute but it is only luck/grace that has me still breathing and heart beating - and all the intricate pieces needed to sustain life. Think the NSX is well engineered, think about the human body! Thank God Germans didn't build it or else at around 50,000 walks, evertyhing would give out ;)

Anyway... he went to take a nap and then his wife came in and found him blue in the face. Called 911, took him to the hospital and by 5 AM yesterday, all of his organs gave out - he had too much brain damage due to lack of oxygen b/c he stopped breathing.

He has a 6 month old baby, and I *think* his wife was pregnant. She's ~21, at most. As I said in a diff. thread, I don't know if he had life insurance, and I would venture to say he didn't. For those that have families, here's a reminder to get it and not be cheap, especially if you're young.

That sucks, life's short, drive the NSX hard.. just kidding.
Very sad, best wishes to you and his family.

It's shocking how fragile life really is. An old roommate of mine was narcoleptic and I learned about all sorts of sleeping disorders, most of them not as rare as you'd think.
Life is to short to sweat over minuscule things, enjoy it while you can, life in the grave is longer and you are not taking anything with you.

Hope the wife/widow is going thru this well.
My uncle died suddenly last year while he was gardening. What's sad is he lives alone and has no immediate family. His neighbors didn't know. My aunt discovered his body about 5 days later after his work called her up to tell her he hasn't called or shown up for work. So she went to go see him and found him in the yard.

Life is short, enjoy what you got, stop worrying about what the other guy has got. Because you never know when your time card is up.

Condolences to your friends family.
Sorry to hear about your loss. Life can be very unexpected. This past friday I was heading out of town early in the morning and was surprised to see about 6 police cars and a couple of ambulances on my street. I later found out that the couple 3 houses down lost their 9 month old to sudden infant death syndrome. As a parent with three young kids, I can't even imagine dealing with something like that! :(

I was mentioning this to my dad today and he said last week there was a death in his neighbourhood too -- 16 year old died in his sleep. Too young to die! :(