Best F1 Website?

3 September 2002
West Vancouver, BC
Now that the ITV-F1 website has stopped updating, I need to find a new F1 site for my daily news fix. I have looked at the Formula 1 site and the BBC F1 site but neither seem to have everything that the ITV site had.

I have also tried F1 Reader site but, because of the nature of the site, there is too much repetition.

What site do you like best? :confused:
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Does anyone have the link to the site that posts videos that features the highlights and battles of each race for the F1.

I recall watching it during last year

Thanks in advance
Re: ApexSpeed really has the low down.

Just today, this was disclosed:

Ferrari Chairman Luca De Montazomola announced this morning that Indycar/Nascar driver Danica Patrick would replace Brazilian Felipe Massa as #2 driver at Ferrari F1 beginning with the first race of 2013 season. "She couldn't do any worse really," Luca said at today's press conference, "and we need someone who is smoking hot in the cars from Maranello."

In other F1 news, Sebstian Vettle announced he would be taking Danica's seat in Nascar next year. "After my altercation with that Indian guy last week I figured I might as well trade paint and rub fenders."

The silly season starts early this year!

and then someone else let this out

Designer Adrian Newey moves to HRT, stating "There's a lot I can learn from HRT's design team. The car has terrific potential and there's much I can learn"

Michael Schumacher to Star Mazda "I've always wanted to go to Indy and I heard that this is the road to get there. I think the new Indycar bodywork is right up there with the new stepped nose in F1. Hopefully, I can shine in the Mazda series and move up to Indy Lights next season."

Milka Dunno returns to Indycar with International Speed Bump sponsorship. "I'm very happy to return to open wheel racing. I've become synonomis with speed bumps so this is the perfect sponsor for me."

Oopps, late update:
Actually, Milka Donuts will be sponsored in 2013 by Krispy Kream Donuts with secondary sponsorship from Moving Chicane National Movers!

Stuff you won't get from James or Joe. Why go anywhere else? :wink:
Or just stay on Tweeter, always fresh news, facts, anouncements and also comments from the drivers them selfs.

BTW, tweeter's most follow has to be Kobayashi, he is just hilarius.

Oh! and if you are in instagram you can see how fernando keep posting pics of this little doll called Tomita, everywhere he goes he postes a pic of the thing.

But yea, Autosport and Grand prix diary are the ones to follow for accurate and fun info.


BTW, I miss Milka in the padock she is such a sweet thing to talk to.
Too bad she just cant race :frown:
i Get my F1 fix at

Live Stream!!!

There is an F1 Chanel. i get to watch F1 for free. only thing is that if no one is broadcasting the race then u dont get to see it :smile:

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