Best cat breed

12 August 2002
Austin, TX
I was a dog owner for years but they require time. After looking at cats they seem affectionate without all the input( pet sitting while out of town, walking etc). I want a cat but don't know what breed, any suggestions? If you posted in the pet pics thread please name breed.
Really like the siamese and savannah. What are theses breeds temperments? The russian blue is nice to. Really want a cat to play when I can and can take care of themselves when Im not home. Don't want a lot of hair!!! Should Iget 2?
Siamese like the family and usually not strangers but ti all depends on the attention they get and how often strangers are in the home. Other than that they are all very loving cats and they do not leave me alone. All 3 of them follow me around like the pied piper.:D Siamese come in chocolate, seal, blue, lilac, red points and a few more. We got them from a breeder that the mother had a rainbow litter. Litter consisted of 4 diff. colors of the Siamese.

Abbasybian I think I spelled that right or Abbyeys are really friendly and playful. Thay are known as the jack russel terriers of cats. Playful and full of energy.

Bothe breeds are very $$$ but it all depends on the breeder and their bloodlines.

If you have any more quesions on Siamese, PM and I can send more pics and or videos to see how playful they are.

PS............Yes get 2 or more. 1 cat will tend to act out when you are not home and when you are home to get attention. If they have a playmate, they are much better behaived cats. Trust me, I know this.
Little while ago i was at a catshow, looking for Britisch shorthairs, and was struck by the beaty of a 'wildcolor' (ruddy) Abyssinian Somali.
Had a chat with the owner, and apperantly these cats are really friendly and nice to have around the house.
They look a little bit different then the usual cat.

Never heard of the breed before, it's on our 'want to have' list now...

- British shorthair silver tabby blotched
- Abyssinian Somali ruddy
- Bengal cat
DSH (domestic short hair) is all you need. Plus these are available by the hundreds at local shelters. Do a good deed and get one of these, and prevent an animal being put to sleep.

Get a young cat or a kitten, and treat it with lots of affection and attention. Cats brought up in this manner can behave just like dogs - they'll come when you call them etc. They're GRRRREAAAAAT! as my friend Tony would say.
Agreed. My wife and I (and the rest of my family) have had nothing but rescued animals. The animals have been nothing short of amazing to be with. One of our cats, Kobe, is exactly like a dog and I call him such regularly. Getting one as a kitten is best though your heart may go out to an older cat as well.

Good luck!
General cat question?

Are there any cats, besides the hairless ones, that are less prone to cat dander and other allergy-provoking things? Sorry if this is a silly question - I've never had a dog or cat. :(
I echo the sentiment about rescuing a kitten or cat. There are plenty out there that need good loving homes. Our kitties are both rescued kitties, Mushu is obviously a Siamese-mix, Meeko looks very much like a Maine Coon...and their personalities are somewhat in line with these breeds.
My wife wants a cat, so if we are going to get one, it's going to be one that I like. Are there any other spotted breeds other than the ocicat. I think they look awesome. Or, spartan2-3, do you know anyone that has, or considered getting, one of those bobcats? That is very interesting. Probably illegal in CT anyway.
foxy-abby said:
My wife wants a cat, so if we are going to get one, it's going to be one that I like. Are there any other spotted breeds other than the ocicat.

It appears that there are Ocicats, Bengals, and Savannah cats that all look like the exotic big cats. My quick look earlier today revealed that Savannahs are crosses between African Servals and domestic cats. Look very neat. Quite expensive - I saw prices up to $3K for females. I've always kind of wanted a Siamese but I don't like their vocals and the spotted "big cat" look appeals to me more now.
I met somebody with an "Ocelot" and that cat was totally domesticated. He bought it in Mexico for $250 (who knows how he got it over the border).

It was a good size cat with leopard like spots, this cat is an absolute exotic :cool:
Re: General cat question?

lemansnsx said:
Are there any cats, besides the hairless ones, that are less prone to cat dander and other allergy-provoking things? Sorry if this is a silly question - I've never had a dog or cat. :(
I believe that the allergens in cats are from their saliva. They preen themselves and transfer the saliva to the fur. The allergens are then disseminated via their losing hair and via the dander.
Re: Re: General cat question?

MarkB said:
I believe that the allergens in cats are from their saliva. They preen themselves and transfer the saliva to the fur. The allergens are then disseminated via their losing hair and via the dander.

Thanks, yes, I understood that the dander was from dried saliva from their grooming habits. I'm kind of limited as my only real exposure to a cat is a relative who has a rescued animal - who is very skittish - and does not tolerate any kind of brushing or anything - heck, she won't even let anyone pick her up although she is a lot friendlier than she used to be.
I like the savannahs and the dsh. The siamese look like dsh. Anyone have accurate prices fro savannahs and siamese. I wonder what a savannah sounds like? I'm a single guy any suggestions? Definitely have considered adoption. DSH seem to be evryones's favorite
Ko-nsx said:
Anyone have accurate prices fro savannahs

I saw one site today with prices of $1800 for males and $3000 for females. I saw Bengals as low as $600.00 but it was by no means an exhaustive search.