Bend-Pak auto lifts

I don't have a Bend-Pak lift, but do have a Mohawk chassis lift. I use it for all maintenance tasks and storage. Very handy to have. If you do your own work, and need extra space, I highly recommend a lift (brand of your choice). Do you have a tall garage? If you are looking for a drive on lift, you might want to check out the Backyard Buddy. Very nice and you don't have to bolt it down. Good luck.
If you do a search you will find that one of our members here sells the Bend pak lifts and there are also many threads covering garage lifts here.
I have a Bendpak PL-7 lift and it rocks! Frankly, I have yet to change the oil at home, but the removable pannels allow full under access. No bolt down required vs. the 4 post lifts you are looking at.

The lift is about the only mod my NSX has and I recommend it if you need any extra garage space. In my case, 3-car garage but 4 cars wasn't adding up right.:wink:

If you do a search on garage lift or bendpak, you should find some good reading.

I have a Bend Pak and love it, contact Anytime:cool:
I've got a single colom lift.
Found it 2nd hand in slightly used condition. Was searching for a scissors type as I don't have the space for a regular 4-colom lift and came across this just by accident.
Used it several times for the NSX already and it is very practical as it leaves most of the underside of the car open to work on.
Only thing is that it flexes/bends a little (is supposed to do so) towards the car, so the car it isn't quite level when lifted.
I remidy this (also a safety precaution I feel better with when working under it) by putting a lift stand under the free hanging side of the car and then lower the lift a bit till the car is level.


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