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Bel Canto/GT-One v.6


Legendary Member
18 September 2005
Southern California
Bel Canto/GT-One v.6 (Revised)

Attention, I have revised the price after couple more e-mail with Japanese vender. So if you read the post earlier, check it out again.

I got an inquiry from a Prime member about my good old faithful Bel-Canto/GT-ROM v.6 exhaust. I was told he can't find it through domestic venders.

I shot an e-mail to Japan and got the following information back. I'm trying to save this prime member a few bucks because money transfer and receiving charges can be split between multiple buyers if more than one sign up for it. It is available for NA1 and NA2 LEV. If you have an NA2 (1997 - 1999), you may have to get a set of adaptors.

Here is the deal, sadly, the USD:YEN is 1:0.79

The price includes a 5,000 YEN (each units) for me as a cushion for the ever changing exchange rate, if there are left over, I will keep it. If the dollars, drops, that will cover the differences.

(Price correction from previous price). Second e-mail with Japan confirmed the pricing.
Single Tip: 175,000 YEN
Dual Tips: 185,000YEN

International express shipping with tracking and insurance: 23,000YEN.
International money receiving bank charge: 4,000 YEN (To be shared between buyers).
International money transfer from my credit union: $40.00 (To be share between buyers).

If I can get five buyers, the price drop by 500,000 yen for each.

The price is directly from the source without the middle man, so it is significantly cheaper than what GT-ROM is asking for. Plus I will guarantee the delivery. GT-ROM will not.

The ball is on your court, this may be the last chance to get a premium JDM made NSX exhaust as the venders are shying away from it. The production of this exhaust halted couple of years ago, so everything are from the left over stock in their warehouse.

If you want any JDM NSX products, ask me, I can include them in this one time transfer. The exhaust is available for immediate delivery, OEM parts may have to wait for up to 3 months.

PS. To be honest, I really don't want to deal with this (as some of you know the history), so I'll do this one more time since I was told no one has it, so why not toss it out there. If there are buyers, I'm planning on sending the money at the end of the month.

You can PM me back, or e-mail me at [email protected], or call me at 714-267-4569.
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