Bed-in question again.

23 July 2003
Seattle, WA.
Question for bedding in pads and new rotors... I have a set of used panther+ and a new aerorotor... track days are coming up next week, but the new set of panther+ pads are not arrived yet.

For proper bed-in, I guessed I don't want to do it in rainy days... So here's my question... If I bedded in with my old panther+ pads, do I need to re-bed the new ones should I decided to drive with the new pads??
Follow the instructions which come with the pads. Carbotech recommends always bedding green pads before track use, using the same compound should make it so they will work fine with your rotors and there is no concern with bedding the rotors, just liberal cleaning and degreasing with brake cleaner after install. So go ahead and bed with the old pads, unless they are cooked.