Be careful of what you put into the trunk

28 December 2001
Berwyn, PA
My wife has an Audi, and I often visit Audi forums.. look what happened to this poor guy:

Ever had one of those days?

I went down to the building site where my house is just being finished off. The decorator told me he had a couple of unused cans of paint that I could have back to take to the store for a refund (can you guess where this is heading?). I didn't really want to have to take them back right then, but he was pretty insistent and I didn't want to rain on his helpfulness parade, so I took the paint cans.

I had to get off to work in a bit if a hurry to make a meeting, so off I went. I completely forgot about the paint cans in the trunk. Until I went round a tight corner in a hurry and something went "thunk". At first I just thought that something had come adrift in the trunk under the g-forces my performance driving was creating, and after a couple more "thunks" it dawned on me...




Not what you put in the trunk but how you drive with stuff in the trunk. There is a reason I have nothing in my NSX trunk and very seldom put any thing in it.

At least it's a pretty color, it could have been left overs from the girls room.
Eric5273 said:
I bet Mr. Wolf is going to have a comment about this topic. "be careful what you put into the trunk" :D

If you wrap things up correctly, you can easily fit a 180lb body in the NSX trunk without any blood stains... oops, that's Mr. Wolf's line...
A few years back a friend bought a 4 month old Isuzu Trooper at an insurance auction. The inside of the SUV was covered in yellow paint. It seems the previous owner went off the road and about 5 gallons of paint covered all the upholstery, totaling the truck. My friend needed it to beat around in and carry items around so he did not care about the paint. He did get a very good deal and the trooper is still running around today with the paint all over the inside.

My brother-in-law pulled a real stupid one last year. He had a roof leak and went to the store to get a can of spray Kilz (oil base spray paint) to cover the stain before painting. I happened to pull in the parking lot just as he was coming out of the store. I parked beside him and we started to chat for a while. He became tired of holding the spray can and the sheetrock trowel he had bought so he threw the trowel in the front seat and then the can of Kilz. The can hit the corner of the trowel puncturing it. My chin hit the floor as I watched the can spin around and empty its contents all over the inside of his SUV and the side of my truck. Looking back on this situation I can now laugh, but at the time I was in shock.
I'm on audiworld quite a bit (being an ex-audi owner).

He actually got most of it out I think.

The saddest part is that its in the trunk of an RS6. :(

I made the same bonehead mistake when I was in University and owned a painting company. I threw a can of paint, only a quart, into the back of my then 89 Celica which I owned for about 5 months. Sure enough when I got to where I was going, the can had fallen over and due to the fact the lid was not on tight, paint leaked out. Luckily I did not drive far and I was not driving in the Indy 500. I rushed back to the paint store and used lots of paint remover and napkins. LUCKILY, the blue paint almost matched my blue interior and with lots of scrubbing and chemicals only I and a few others ever knew what happened. One of my lucky moments in my life.
It appears you gentlemen don't require me to pass judgement, however, I will share a small piece of practical advice: an NSX with a red interior has its merits. :D

NsxJoy said:
If you wrap things up correctly, you can easily fit a 180lb body in the NSX trunk without any blood stains... oops, that's Mr. Wolf's line...

My dear friend, Mr.NsxJoy, you can fit up to three bodies in your NSX trunk if you have enough plastic bags & a MOG. :D

"What is a MOG?", you ask? You may need to conduct your own search on what a MOG is - here is one i prepared earlier for you.

Coincidentally, Yes, my new fertilizer business is running very successfully. :D
