BC Coilovers - Who has them? Are they any good?

28 November 2009
Wasn't sure where to post this, i feel it would be better in perhaps another section as it will get seen by a bigger audience perhaps more people running them but i'm really curious how they perform on track. Track is where they really get put to the test.

I have done some searching generally on BC coilovers and reviews are very mixed. I have searched Prime and found one or two reviews but not much.

I realize they are a budget coilover but my understanding is one of the better budget coilovers.

I am curious, who has them? How they feel they perform on track and on the street. How easy are they to adjust? so say your going on track you want them stiffer track session finished back on the road back to road settings or do track setup perform ok on the road? i appreciate ride will be a little harder but is it bearable?

Is there any other budget coilovers worth considering? Megan, KSport, D2 etc. etc.

There is no point in buying KW v3's as of yet, i will get them with the adjustable ride height when funds allow. I have priorities higher on my wish list and need a quick fix for a reasonable budget.

I'll chime in but I don't think my 2 cents will help you.

Adjusting them for rebound is very easy - there is a knob at the top of each coilover. Just turn it with your finger, 32 possible clicks. On the street, I have then on full soft. The softest setting possible. On the track, I have them on full hard. I am by no means a track expert, only been out 2-3 times. So, other can chime in on their track setup. It's just a matter of turning the knob before and after the session to go from Track to Road settings.

The one thing I liked about the BC is the height adjustability. Most coilovers that advertised themselves as height adjustable "move" the spring perch up or down depending on whether you want a lower or higher ride. With BC coilovers, there are 3 adjustment rings. A and B is for the spring perch. I did not touch these 2 rings. C is the ring that adjusts the height. You are basically extending or contracting the length of the whole coilover.
