I'd like to propose that we use this thread to discuss the new SS box that MB has so graciously volunteered to supply to us - I'm sure at a cost to him and his business. Anyway, lest I forget, Mark, thanks for continuing to support your owners.
OK, with that, let me start with my experiences to date. My usual disclaimer: I AM NOT in any way affiliated with MB or Basch Acura. If there's something that I've said or done that encourages you to change or modify your BBSC set-up - you are on your own unless MB explicitly blesses it. My interest has and will continue to be to get the absolute most out of my BBSC - while being completely anal about monitoring and measuring a/f's and timing to insure engine longevity.
With that, let me jump in to my biggest pet peeve about the new box. Like the old box, the friggen' serial connector is still INSIDE the box. Now I know what MB is thinking. He wants to set up the boxes with the tables done by him for a given application and then he would like the majority of owners NOT to want or have to make any changes. This is a noble vision, but I just don't think we're there yet, even for the masses... and definitely this won't work for a tinkerer like me. Did I mention the replacement SS box is free of charge? You see, there I am already looking a gift horse in the mouth!!
MB would like you to mount the new box behind the trim panels in a small cavity adjacent to the ECU. Unlike the trunk location of the first unit, this location makes it even harder to get at, take apart, program, re-assemble, re-tuck in EACH time you want to make a change or monitor the output values. Sheesh! - there's no way I could install this “as-shipped” configuration.
If you popped open the box to see the serial connector, you probably noticed that SS has PC boards attached to each half and covered with a black epoxy to protect their intellectual capital. OK, so I bought a small male serial connector with soldering pins on the opposite side. This is the kind of connector you would use to make your own cable - but you don't need to buy the plastic connector halves that you typically mount it in. I also bought a 6' serial extension cable (Circuit City) and cut it so that I had the female end left and about 10" of cable. I then stripped the little wires and soldered them to the male connector. OK, so now I had everything hooked up but there's no way to put the two box halves back together. Grrrrrr. I then bought a length of 1" by 1/8" aluminum from Home Depot. I cut two small lengths the width of the SS box. I filed the corners round and then drilled 4 holes to match the holes in the SS box. I used these at each end of the SS box and bolted it back together. For the sides, I still had a 1" gap so I just used a 6" strip of duct tape along each side. No problem.
I had also asked MB to get me the factory ECU harness connectors which he did. I'm sure he can also sell to other BBSC owners that may want them at close to the price he had to pay. Since I was one of the early installs MB had pig-tailed in to my wiring harness. I spent a lot of time to "un-do" all of this and get my factory harness back to perfect and then I re-taped everything back up. Now my harness looks factory again. To integrate the new SS box, I had to build up the new ECU male/female harness connector using the instructions from Mark. This wasn't too bad, as I could do it out of the car on the bench. MB has used a consistent approach for the striped and solid pairs of each wire you interrupt so this made it easier.
To install the new SS box, I removed the harness stay and the throttle cable(?) stay both of which were just to the left of the ECU. With these stays out of the way, I was able to wiggle the newly enlarged SS box down into the cavity. Before you do this, make sure you have routed a vacuum line into the cabin. I was able to reconnect the aluminum stand-off that is used by one of the trim panels. I left the stays out of the car. I don't think I need them and they don't really fit anymore with the SS box all tucked in.
The real neat advantage is that everything is tucked away but I still have my serial cable dangling outside the trim panels (yet to be installed). Imagine my relief when I reconnected the battery and I was able to communicate with the SS box and load my table in!! Whew! If I had a problem with the box, I wouldn't have had a clue if it was the new box, my mods, the harness, the serial cable, or the "repairs" to the factory harness. Did I mention that you shouldn’t attempt any of this unless you have MB’s blessing? There are many more opportunities to screw things up than there is to improve on MB’s design. But, dad always said, “no guts, no glory!”
Anyway, I have yet to drive/tune it. I did fire it up and monitored it with the SS patched in to the PC.
I'm hooking up the wideband next (pretty much plug and play) and then I'll confirm the af's.
See what you made me write Andy? Now, assuming I haven’t put you to sleep, let me finally answer your question. According to MB (MB, please jump in and correct if I’ve got this wrong), the timing values for the new box are in increments of half of a degree. So, if you want to use your previous timing map, you need to first double all of the timing (Table B) values. I have left my Table A values the same as my old box.
I’ll shut-up now with one final cool gadget announcement. Here’s the latest from FJO.
I have gone through two $200+ Autometer fuel pressure gauges that have been faulty so I’ve got an empty slot in the a-pillar pod just waiting for this puppy. I pre-ordered today.
OK, with that, let me start with my experiences to date. My usual disclaimer: I AM NOT in any way affiliated with MB or Basch Acura. If there's something that I've said or done that encourages you to change or modify your BBSC set-up - you are on your own unless MB explicitly blesses it. My interest has and will continue to be to get the absolute most out of my BBSC - while being completely anal about monitoring and measuring a/f's and timing to insure engine longevity.
With that, let me jump in to my biggest pet peeve about the new box. Like the old box, the friggen' serial connector is still INSIDE the box. Now I know what MB is thinking. He wants to set up the boxes with the tables done by him for a given application and then he would like the majority of owners NOT to want or have to make any changes. This is a noble vision, but I just don't think we're there yet, even for the masses... and definitely this won't work for a tinkerer like me. Did I mention the replacement SS box is free of charge? You see, there I am already looking a gift horse in the mouth!!
MB would like you to mount the new box behind the trim panels in a small cavity adjacent to the ECU. Unlike the trunk location of the first unit, this location makes it even harder to get at, take apart, program, re-assemble, re-tuck in EACH time you want to make a change or monitor the output values. Sheesh! - there's no way I could install this “as-shipped” configuration.
If you popped open the box to see the serial connector, you probably noticed that SS has PC boards attached to each half and covered with a black epoxy to protect their intellectual capital. OK, so I bought a small male serial connector with soldering pins on the opposite side. This is the kind of connector you would use to make your own cable - but you don't need to buy the plastic connector halves that you typically mount it in. I also bought a 6' serial extension cable (Circuit City) and cut it so that I had the female end left and about 10" of cable. I then stripped the little wires and soldered them to the male connector. OK, so now I had everything hooked up but there's no way to put the two box halves back together. Grrrrrr. I then bought a length of 1" by 1/8" aluminum from Home Depot. I cut two small lengths the width of the SS box. I filed the corners round and then drilled 4 holes to match the holes in the SS box. I used these at each end of the SS box and bolted it back together. For the sides, I still had a 1" gap so I just used a 6" strip of duct tape along each side. No problem.
I had also asked MB to get me the factory ECU harness connectors which he did. I'm sure he can also sell to other BBSC owners that may want them at close to the price he had to pay. Since I was one of the early installs MB had pig-tailed in to my wiring harness. I spent a lot of time to "un-do" all of this and get my factory harness back to perfect and then I re-taped everything back up. Now my harness looks factory again. To integrate the new SS box, I had to build up the new ECU male/female harness connector using the instructions from Mark. This wasn't too bad, as I could do it out of the car on the bench. MB has used a consistent approach for the striped and solid pairs of each wire you interrupt so this made it easier.
To install the new SS box, I removed the harness stay and the throttle cable(?) stay both of which were just to the left of the ECU. With these stays out of the way, I was able to wiggle the newly enlarged SS box down into the cavity. Before you do this, make sure you have routed a vacuum line into the cabin. I was able to reconnect the aluminum stand-off that is used by one of the trim panels. I left the stays out of the car. I don't think I need them and they don't really fit anymore with the SS box all tucked in.
The real neat advantage is that everything is tucked away but I still have my serial cable dangling outside the trim panels (yet to be installed). Imagine my relief when I reconnected the battery and I was able to communicate with the SS box and load my table in!! Whew! If I had a problem with the box, I wouldn't have had a clue if it was the new box, my mods, the harness, the serial cable, or the "repairs" to the factory harness. Did I mention that you shouldn’t attempt any of this unless you have MB’s blessing? There are many more opportunities to screw things up than there is to improve on MB’s design. But, dad always said, “no guts, no glory!”
Anyway, I have yet to drive/tune it. I did fire it up and monitored it with the SS patched in to the PC.
I'm hooking up the wideband next (pretty much plug and play) and then I'll confirm the af's.
See what you made me write Andy? Now, assuming I haven’t put you to sleep, let me finally answer your question. According to MB (MB, please jump in and correct if I’ve got this wrong), the timing values for the new box are in increments of half of a degree. So, if you want to use your previous timing map, you need to first double all of the timing (Table B) values. I have left my Table A values the same as my old box.
I’ll shut-up now with one final cool gadget announcement. Here’s the latest from FJO.

I have gone through two $200+ Autometer fuel pressure gauges that have been faulty so I’ve got an empty slot in the a-pillar pod just waiting for this puppy. I pre-ordered today.