BBSC install moved to Raleigh, NC! July 15-17

2 July 2000
Raleigh, NC
Hey guys,
Just wanted to drop everyone a note to let you know that the BBSC install party has been officially moved to Raleigh! Mark B. and Nick will be arriving late Sun. July 14th and staying through Wed. the 17th! We have 6 cars that will be receiving superchargers as well as a few clutch installs etc. Everyone is welcome to come down on any or all of the days. However,

I would like to plan a dinner for everyone if we can agree on a night that might work best for all. Roy. E. and I have talked and we are tentatively thinking about a Tues evening dinner at the Angus Barn here in Raleigh. This is a nationally acredited steakhouse w/ absolutely wonderful food and great scenery outside for some wonderful pictures! I was thinking of maybe a late dinner around 8-8:30 or so to give us time to get cleaned up after the day's work and more importantly, to give you guys who aren't as close some time to get here if you decide to come.
Let me hear some feedback as to what you guys think. I am open to planning any kinds of activities but I figured that a dinner one evening would be a great place to start. Let me know what you think on times and dates.(like I said Tues. is what we are thinking right now) We have a wonderful install site w/ great space and parking as well as a brand new dyno! I will have more information on what we are doing in terms of cost on the dyno pulls Monday. If anyone is interested in that please let me know when you reply. The sooner the better so I can go about getting some reservations made for dinner.
I have sent a few private emails to local owners, but obviously anyone who would like to attend is invited and we would love to have you! Please get the word out if there is someone that I have missed. Thanks for your time guys and I look forward to seeing any and all who maybe able to make it down! Talk to ya soon!

Jason Weaver
Raleigh, NC
Originally posted by chudson1549:
Hey Jason,
Count me in on the dinner. I am thinking about coming up on Sunday.

Oh BTW, When are you going to send out the directions, place to stay, etc?
Hey Charles, getting excited about boost!??? Private me for directions and some ideas on places to stay, etc. Talk to ya soon!

[email protected]
