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To all the NSXers I enocuntered in FL.  I had a blast with you guys--thank you so much for letting me join in the fun.

Todd--your car is impeccable.  Also, to cross-post, yes, the cheese was exceptional ;-)

David--thanks for the kind words.  Keep an eye out for our friends in blue.....those encounters can be quite painful.

Smoore--don't worry, refills for juice are cheap, and I'm sure your Mother instilled the importance of a healthy diet to include lots of juice--make her proud ;-)

Andie--thanks for keeping the guys on track, and it looks like my car will be back soon for some more tuning.  Hopefully with some more time and preparation the ideal state can be achieved.

Lee and the guys @ Cybernation--thanks for putting forth the extra effort.....these guys were working on my car at 2:40 in the morning.  Although some more tuning is currently needed, I can't say they didn't give it the old college try.

A special thanks to Scott and Heather for putting up with me for the week.  I had an incredible time and look forward to getting together again soon.

Thanks again, everyone.  Hope to see you all in TX.

Happy motoring,

