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To all those FL NSXrs who are interested in the BBSC, I will be at Cybernation Motorsports this Thursday having my car dyno'd.  Ben Beckert will also be there with his '91 twin-turbo NSX doing some dyno tuning.  His car is impressively fast and will certainly be fun to watch/hear running on the dyno. 

Ben and I will be arriving in Ft. Lauderdale sometime Wednesday evening and heading to Cybernation Thursday am.  If any of the South Florida NSXrs would like to get together for dinner or a cruise Wednesday night please let us know.  You can post here or give me a call on my cell at 727.644.5780. 

We hope to see some of you while we're over so let us know!  Also, if anyone is interested in a first hand "demo ride" of my newly BBSC'd '94 coupe with 6 speed and 4.55 r&p then come out and I'll be happy to give you one!

