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BBK....for 92 nsx

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19 October 2012
I know it's an old question. But is there only one kit that allows for EB?

What is the best kit for the buck? Both in looks and performance, please. Running 18 in front and 19 in back. I have read a lot but talks seem to go in circles. And which ones are actually available as in " in stock " not 6 weeks secret back order from North Korea - pay and pray. Any issue with running without EB besides the obvious?

You can run EB with any of the BBK sets. I used the Brembo Ebrake with my Wilwood setup and now with my Stoptech setup.

Before I got the Brembo ebrake, I really didn't have an ebrake and no real issues unless you are parking on a steep hill
Another issue with not having the e-brake is the legal issue, it is required by law.

Besides I think I might just find it a little "ghetto" (for lack of a better term) to not have one.
Finished installing my WP pro front and rear kit with e-brake. Beautiful brakes at a great price. 6pot all round.
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