where is ithe batteryt?? Thanks Todd
where is ithe batteryt?? Thanks Todd
No No No No Ken - you need to reread the manual.
We have the worlds first wind powered car.
The OP may find the battery up front, but that ONLY powers the clock as the original designers found it annoying to have to set the time everytime the car stopped.
No no no, it's located under the trunk floor like ken states. However it's not to start the car or power the car, so Ken is WAY off. The batteries only purpose is to power the undercar green neons that also act as anti gravity tubes that help the car hover and glide. To start the car is simple, you simply remove the tire iron from the toolbox in the trunk above the batteries. With that, you insert it into the hole located behind the plastic cover in the front bumper. Then give the crank a hard whirl and voila! You're off!
Duh dummies! I said remove the little cover first! Not jam it through the bumper! Maybe you might of misunderstood me. Especially since there is the misunderstanding that it's commonly called a "tow hook cover".
If that doesn't work, you can always remove the floorboard covers on both driver and passenger side. Lower feet through cover till it reachs the ground and both occupants give it a nice scamper. Always work, won't fail.
I now have a permanent Acura logo impressed on my forehead now.
That model is called the FliNtStonXe Edition. :smile:Anyways, tried removing the floorboard covers. What a PITA! Had to use metal shears and only did the driver's side. Finally got the car out to the street that had a nice little down hill grade. Stuck my feet through and gave it a good push. Whooo Heeeee, I was moving!