battery light flickering

25 May 2005
My alternator went bad last year so I sent it out and had it rebuilt with oem parts. when I reinstalled it, the voltage gauge reads about 13v. however, when I rev it up, the battery light will come on and then flicker and go back off. the belt is tight and the terminals are all tight on the battery and alternator power wire. what could be causing this? thanks
when they rebuild alternators sometimes putting new parts in the output is a little more than normal, possibly its outputing more than the system can handle. thus the flicking of the batt light.

just a guess
My guess would be it's not putting out enough voltage. When the engine is running you should read at least 14vdc. Put an ohm meter on the battery terminals with the engine running. If you see less than 14vdc the alternator is not charging properly.
Happy Motoring!