Battery died, now FOB won't work.

14 March 2008
Recharged battery, starts fine, but doesn't recognize the FOB. Any thoughts?
By FOB, I assume you mean the key fob for the remote door lock/unlock?

If you have a factory remote lock/unlock fob, about the only thing that I can think of, short of a damaged receiver, is that the battery in the fob is weak / dead. I disconnect the battery in my car every winter and the loss of power does not affect the factory key fob operation. Check to make sure that the fuse supplying the receiver is good.

If you have an aftermarket remote, is it possible that the fob codes were erased from the receiver memory (low probability as codes are usually burned into non volatile memory). If the aftermarket receiver gets power directly from the battery, did you accidentally disconnect or break the power wire to the receiver when you were recharging the battery?