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Carguy, Heh Thanks for the help...... My point exatly. Your not claiming 100 rwhp on stock car. What does your car put down? I guerentee its on the raggad edge of fuel issues..... There are 2 problems here. Are you drag racing or road racing.for example it may be ok to run you car at hi egt for short blasts but when it comes to the track and or freeway blasts your exaust temps fly and your poistons melt. Do you have a EGT in your car? How do I know about the duty cycle?Do the math.... The comes a time that with so much fuel pressure at such high duty cycle the injectors simply cant open and close fast enough and they freeze. And guess what, if you think that just simply raising voltage to your pump is going to help....Good luck, Weather you raise fuel pressure that way or with a rising rate regualator the result is the same. As far as basch... I am questioning there figures...heh great if it does, but based off there seacracy who knows? Thanks for looking me up.... Yea ,I just singed up because now due to the fact that the board desent accept hotmail. As far as my user name look closely and you will see that they are the old model and new model codes for the cars I own.

If the way comptech handles their fuel managment isn't sufficient, why hasn't any of their cars had problems?  I recently took my supercharged car out to Road America and didn't have any problems, there where quite a few other SC cars out there also.  I know of a few guys that track their cars all of the time with Comptechs setup and haven't had a problem. 

What exactly is your concern with Comptech's fuel managment?  Do you have any proof whatsoever that there is a problem?

I have about 75rwhp increase with the Comptech, I also noticed a dramatic increase in torque.  Do I believe that an improved setup can attain over 100rwhp at the wheels?  Yep, I have seen the dyno's and have no doubts about their validity.  If you want I will place a wager with you that on the next install we will check the dyno results before and after and if it is over 100rwhp I win, if not you win.  Lets make this wager worthwhile for both of us so that we can pay for our plane tickets, how about 5K?  I have met Mark Basch once and talked with him on the phone a couple times and I believe if he claims 100hp than I will wager on it.  If it will make you feel beter we can use your car.
