Barry Bonds Fan?

13 September 2000
Tulsa, OK
Make-A-Wish Foundation Asked To Punch Barry Bonds In The Nuts

AMES, IA--Members of the Make-A-Wish Foundation struggled to come up with a response to a dying 9-year-old boy’s request that they punch slugger Barry Bonds in the nuts repeatedly. The boy, Danny Wickman of Ames, Iowa, reportedly hates Bonds and wants nothing more than to see him in debilitating pain. The director of the foundation said that it was the first such request that he had ever received.

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I wouldn't mind having that done to the whole of this year's Laker team (except Derek Fischer and Karl Malone), Reggie Miller, Tony George, and the people of in charge of NSX development.

Seriously, of all the things to ask for. I don't know whether to be in shock or keep laughing. Consider his mother:

"Mary Wickman, Danny’s mother, said her son has always had a deep, seething resentment towards Bonds.

'A lot of people hate that guy, so it should be understandable that he would request something like this,” she said. “[Danny] is not some stupid kid who blindly worships athletes. He only roots for guys who are good people. He’s heard enough Bonds interviews, as we all have, to know that the guy is an arrogant, selfish prick. I’m sure a lot of people in America would love to see the guy gets his nuts rammed with a sledgehammer. I know I would.'”

I don't know what that means exactly. But it certainly isn't positive.
Hahaha...I wonder what Bonds thinks! :D I'd stay home and watch that if they aired it. :p

Hopkinton has been trying to come up with a way to present the idea to Bonds. He does not expect the slugger to agree to have his testicles punched, but he may agree to make an appearance with young Danny, at which point they could ambush him.

“That’s the only solution I can come up with right now,” said Hopkinton. “As bad as it may sound, we might have to trick him into showing up, then just sneak in a few quick cock-punches so Danny can get his wish. After that, we might have to run like hell, but this is a kid’s dying wish. We can’t say no. And frankly, we don’t want to.”
MsKadyB said:
Hahaha... :D I'd stay home and watch that if they aired it. :p
Me too!!! I'm not a Bond's fan . . .
While I seriously doubt the legitimacy of the article (checking the homepage finds links to other "bogus" stories), it does make for amusing reading.

Yep, funny reading, but sad at the same time if true. Bonds is far from a favorite of mine, but you can't deny his on-field accomplishments. Truly one of the games greatest ever.