Barber MSP, first trip


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Tech Expert
15 May 2005
Knoxville, TN
REALLY fun track....not all that "fast", but very entertaining.

I know I left a lot on the table, but for a first trip I didn't feel too bad. I was only about a second off of a podium in TTB with LOTS of room to pick that time up looking at my video. At least a few sections where I'm not carrying near enough speed or pinching the steering on exit.

Critique welcome, I'm looking forward to my next trip:

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Great Job! You have any more video from Barber, I am running there on April 12-13th and need some NSX video to study. I have a bunch of videos from when my local buddies ran there last year but I was not able to go. They all had a blast and thaught the track was a lot of fun.

Here is a video from one of the guys I run with that went last year, the Viper is another buddy of mine as well and is a very smooth and fast driver.

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Very nice! that track looks like it take balls to get a quick time. definitely one thats on the bucket list. @5:33 it looks like your about to run off but recover nicely, very smooth. My only comment would be too rev match later. On some of the shifts after a hard braking point. Theres a pause after blip then a slight burrRRRrr when the clutch comes out. Im guilty of this myself on occasion but consciously waiting a beat before blipping has helped me smooth it out. Just warning that how I shattered my oil gear. :[

fantastic stuff, double props for being that quick with stock seat and steering wheel.
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What do you guys think of doing the 3rd to 2nd downshift after the turn in on 7 and before 8 while on the brakes. R13 is doing it before turn in at 7 and it may be causing you to over brake for turn 7. I see you have a 5 spd but what gears and final are you running. My car has a 6spd so I am thinking I can hold third through that entire 7 to 8 complex.

How did you make that video? I see a phone on the dash, is there a 2nd phone recording behind your seat?
Very nice! that track looks like it take balls to get a quick time. definitely one thats on the bucket list. @5:33 it looks like your about to run off but recover nicely, very smooth. My only comment would be too rev match later. On some of the shifts after a hard braking point. Theres a pause after blip then a slight burrRRRrr when the clutch comes out. Im guilty of this myself on occasion but consciously waiting a beat before blipping has helped me smooth it out. Just warning that how I shattered my oil gear. :[

fantastic stuff, double props for being that quick with stock seat and steering wheel.

I had noticed myself doing that (missing the rev match). I'll blame 1st-event rust for now, but will definitely pay attention to that going forward in the season. @5:33 I was just trying a wider arc through that turn, no "moment" at all. The track has some friendly camber mid-track so I thought I'd try to use it....I did end up a little further outside than I wanted, but nowhere close to going off.

Also, the stock seats seem to fit my butt pretty well, so I don't find myself getting tossed around. I did notice it a little this time having gone to a stickier tire (up to R888s from Star Specs)

What do you guys think of doing the 3rd to 2nd downshift after the turn in on 7 and before 8 while on the brakes. R13 is doing it before turn in at 7 and it may be causing you to over brake for turn 7. I see you have a 5 spd but what gears and final are you running. My car has a 6spd so I am thinking I can hold third through that entire 7 to 8 complex.


I'm running full USDM spec ratios/final drive. I haven't touched it. I'd say with a 6 speed you'd probably be fine holding 3rd there, and also through 15->16 where I'm also in 2nd.

Honestly, If I go back, I'd be really tempted to try the entire track in 3rd, then try 2nd a few places to see if I gained or lost...starting with T5, then probably 7->8, then 15->16

How did you make that video? I see a phone on the dash, is there a 2nd phone recording behind your seat?

I have a GoPro Hero 2 for the video, then I'm using the Trackmasters app for android (comparable to Harry's on the iPhones) for the data. THEN I'm using RaceChrono2AVI to convert the data into a video overlay, then Vegas to mash the two together. 'Sounds complicated, but once I figured it out I can now usually knock out a quick video in like 15 minutes.
Turn 2: Try downshifting to 2nd and then upshifting at the bottom of the hill or as you start going uphill for Turn 4.

Turn 7: Use 3rd gear and carry more entry speed into 7. Downshift to 2nd when going over the curb on the left before turning in to Turn 8.

Turn 10 (the left-right chicane on the back straight): I typically don't like to hit the curb on the left, turn in slightly later and more aggressively to later apex 10, miss the curb, then turn right and use (possibly more of) the curb on the right.

Turn 15 (last right-hander): I keep it tighter and dont go further left than mid-track. It'll make 15 a sharper corner but you aren't going nearly as far of a distance as all the way to the left for your turn in.

The short straight between Turn 15 & 16 (last corners onto front straight), try upshifting to 3rd on this short straight or if you're comfortable with it, shift to 3rd when you're lifting at the apex of T16 onto the front straight. That'll be worth a few tenths.

Solid laps! What alignment and tire widths? Might wanna try NT01s next to see how they compare to the R888.
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Thanks Billy, I'll add those to my "things to try" next time I'm there.

I'm running 205F / 255R. I debated 215 front, but could only find them in 45 aspect, and the difference in section width between the 205 and 215 is much less than the labelled 10mm according to the spec sheets I found. I didn't feel like I had any issues with push (I'll be autocrossing this coming weekend and will know more definitively on the balance after that I think). I debated the NT01, but felt the R888 would deal with water better if/when I find some driving to/from the track. I may give the Nitto's a whirl once I wear these out all the same.

Alignment is along the lines of something you've suggested before. I'd like to have more camber in front, but the adjusters are maxed short of lowering the car more (possible) or going to an offset bushing ($$$).

Toe: 0.3 degrees out in front 0.15 degrees in
Caster: 9/7 degrees (one side is frozen :/ )
Camber: -2.5 R -2.0 F
Since you drive to and from the track the NT-01 may be an issue. Once used on the track they are some of the most noisy tires I have ever driven on. I trailer to the track so does not matter much to me but if I had to drive more than 30 min on the streets with NT-01s I would loose my mind. Never tried the 888s but I do love the NTs. They last forever and seem to get better after about 10 heat cycles and the tread is worn off a little. Last year I got about 20 days out of a single set, could have gone longer if I would stay off of Putnam Park with them.
