Rather then skill level (Pro vs. ?), it has more to do with your driving style and the tracks you run. V-tec is the issue, in that the majority of your oil ends up in your heads. This condition leaves less oil in the pan and the right condition for potentially starving the pick-up even if it’s momentarily. So if your like me (Even in my first track days) and you like to keep the RPM high, thus in V-tec. And if you frequent a track with an extended sweeper or even heavy braking just after extended V-tec, then you risk momentary starvation that an Accusump will pick up. A baffled oil pan can help in addition to keeping oil off the crank weights for less HP loss, but the best solution is an Accusump, and if you have the budget use both.
A good example is someone I know who is so new that he is reluctant to go over 140 MPH at VIR, so he doesn’t shift up to the next gear. Instead he stays in gear and revs 7000 to 8000 all the way up the long back stretch (A very extended V-tec condition), then he brakes hard at the end of it. This is defiantly a condition where the opposite of a pro should have an Accusump.
I’m also reminded of a team that had the same opinion when I joined; I noticed the lack of an Accusump and made them promise that they would have one installed before the next race. (I also added “If you make it to the next race)… sure enough the engine starved of oil in the turn before the front stretch at Daytona and destroyed everything, Crank, block, heads, pistons, all of it. I defiantly didn’t need an “I told you so”.