Badass Streaming Videos

Any other way to get this for those of us that don't have winamp (and who have too many other audio read/write programs to bother installing it)? Is *.nsv a Winamp specific extension?

Win Media Player wont play it... If you click on that link, it'll open a web browser saying its encoded for winamp only....

I use winamp for all my mp3 needs... the 2.91 version has a great Library mp3 management tool...

In winamp, press ALT+L and it'll manage your whole collection... good for those of us who have thousands of mp3s...

I have about 8000 mp3's on my system...

go DL winamp 2.91 ...

Winamp 2.91

Be sure to do a custom install so it doesnt over write your file assosications (if you dont want it to)

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I've got almost a mirror of the collection (plus just a couple) on the east coast.

If it crashes, we have a way to restore (just take forever).
It's a streaming video... so you're not technically downloading anything... the video stream is all about racing...

you're just watching the streaming video using winamp...

winamp is a media player (my personal favorite) that plays just about anything these days... video and audio....

minus about a few file types like .ASF, .AVI... but plays .MPG's and all audio file types... except real audio (which I hate anyways)
