Bad Noise?

14 September 2000
folsom CA
Today I was driving down the HWY with a friend of mine and this is the first time I did so with the AC on and the radio off. and I noticed a rattling / knocking noise comming from the drivers side footwell and it sounded like a loose suspension part knocking. an ideals?

'92 Sebring Silver NSX #181
Originally posted by HapaHaole:
I noticed a rattling / knocking noise comming from the drivers side footwell

Try getting a passenger to ride along with you and determine whether its coming from inside or outside the car. Also make sure its coming from the passenger side and not the central column.

If its inside, check the glove compartment for stuff sloshing around. Also check the keyless entry receiver (under the glove box) which sometimes rattles against the plastic panel that it is bolted to.

Hope that helps.
Originally posted by HapaHaole:
Tee sound is comming from the inside by the drivers side foot well.

sounds like a nut comming off a bolt rattling noise.. more like the inside than out.

Too bad the faq nazi is dead... otherwise he'd point you towards teh "whats that noise" section...

If its not the keyless entry receiver, you may want to check for a loose wire harness. Sometimes the connectors will rub against the glove compartment or each other and make a lot of noise. Just be careful with the yellow wires - airbag.

Also check for change or metal objects under the passenger seat. Could be change hitting the seat rails. The sound will bounce around and will appear to come from the footwell.
Originally posted by HapaHaole:
Well the problem is that everything you listed is on the Passenger side..

Crap... My bad. Im on autopilot these days... sorry.

Can you tell if the sound is coming from inside or outside? Also, is it on the left or right side of the footwell?

If its inside, you may want to check if the bracket that secures the rubber boot around the steering column (where it goes through the floorpanel) has come loose.

If its outside, do you have aftermarket springs? Maybe the rubber washer that isolates the springs on your shocks is missing. Also check if your battery or spare tire are loose.