Bad A/C controller

28 August 2003
Hilton Head
Bad A/C controller

All my capacitors are bad in the head unit, i saw you can replace these and get a working head unit does anyone know where i could get this one , thanks!
Do a search on "Climate Control". There are a few places recommended in multiple threads.

Are you looking to buy another working head unit or are you looking to fix yours?

From what I have been told, replacing the capacitors on the climate control head unit is fairly easy. The capacitors themselves range from $0.25 - $1.00 per and there are about 15 of them. There is a place locally where I am calling Gateway Electronics that sells all of the capacitors. You will need to take out the Center console to get to the climate control unit. Take out the climate control and pull out the board to see the capacitors. Just read what each one is so you can order them yourself. Soddering is the part that I am not comfortable with, but many people can do this for you.

Gateway Electronics Corp
8123 Page Ave
Saint Louis, MO 63130-1111 Phone: (314) 427-6116
Hey guys thanks for all your replys! i did a more comprehensive search and found exactly what i was looking for, ive repaired this board once before but it only lasted just over a year so i think this time i will have a pro do it thanks again!