Back to standard ride height - is this madness?

15 May 2007
Hi Prime

Another qu regarding my newly acquired 97-T. The previous owner lowered it (with I believe Dali springs). When I returned home after my joyous collection trip :smile: , I discovered getting in and out of the drive has proved a "challenge" and I actually had to remove the lip spoiler to manage it.

On top of this, the proliferation of sleeping policemen in my area fills me with fear everytime I take to the roads. So I'm thinking about putting the car back to original ride height.

Am I mad? :confused: Are there non-OEM springs which retain the original ride height?

Any thoughts gratefully recieved
There are few options for you.

Stock spring = stock height
NSX-R or Zanardi springs = 0.5" lower
Bilstein on lower perch with stock springs = 0.7" lower

If I was in your predicament, I would choose to install Zanardi spring/shocks/sways. Use what mother honda gave ya :)
I had Eibachs for a little over 6 months. But all the dips and driveways and scrapes got old really fast. So I went back to my OEM set up. Part of me wants to go back to a lower look because it does look nice, but then the memories of how much it was a pain in the rear for me, keep me from doing so. More power to those that have the patience and neighborhoods that are lowered car friendly. :smile:
I'm a fan of the zanardi springs for the street,you can use the oem zanardi(type S) shocks or koni yellows.
If you can't get in & out of your driveway easily, just imagine what else is install for you when you take your NSX out. I will scrape on some driveways, and I am running on stock height. Either raise the height or flatten the driveway incline.
Stock springs with Bilsteins on the lower perch is probably the most popular setup for people that don't track their cars and want a little more agressive stance. It lowers the car only 7/8". I plan on doing this myself.

Just be aware that stock height leaves alot of wheel well exposed. Take a look at my gallery if you want to see what it looks like with 17/18" wheels. It shows a bit too much wheel well for me.
Thanks, stock springs & bilsteins sounds like the way to go. I love the ultra-low look it has right now, but I think a more modest lowering will still look good and may save me grounding out on the bumpy PA roads.
I am very happy with my NSX because it is at the stock ride height. I have Bilstein shocks, but I intentionally had them mounted using the perch to maintain the stock ride height. It's certainly not madness to enjoy the greater comfort and convenience of the car at that height. It's your car, so do whatever makes you happy; the stock ride height makes me happy.

If you want to return your car to the stock ride height, there should be plenty of folks who have installed aftermarket springs and will sell you their used stock springs for not much money.
My car is stock height and it nudges the black lip on many parking garage ramps. If go up them at 1 MPH sometimes it doesn't scrape.

Someday, when I have some money for mods, I'll do something with the suspension but I'm not sure lowering will be in the plan. For me the car has to go where I typically go.