Back in town

18 October 2005
Alpine, New Jersey
Hi guys,
Just returned yesterday from a long trip overseas. I was out of the states since the end of NSXPO in New Jersey. Great trip with days in Munich (Oktoberfest), Paris, Liverpool, and mostly northwest London. You guys really got hammered here in the Northeast from what I can see. I hope all my friends in the regional chapter here got by with not too much grief. I have quite a bit of cleanup here that I am not looking forward to at all. There are a lot of downed tree limbs here in northern Bergen County still. I saw some Florida Power & Light trucks today along with Appalachian Power (AEP), Pike County Power (PA) and Dominion Power (Virginia) cutting tree limbs. Never saw that before, even after Irene.

Missed the good old USA after only a month and it is great to be back on American soil once again. Hope to meet up with some of you soon. Looks like some good weather still left for a drive in November.
Rich :smile:
welcome home Rich
You missed a fantastic day. The C&C had over 200 cars, everything from a Lussos, to the new FF (fantastically fugly). Afterwards, I went for a very (and I mean very) spirited drive with 2 friends (Porsche Turbo and Scuderia), went close to 100 miles, right past RSO's house, up past Ridgefield, around through Yorktown, damn, I don't know where the hell we went, but the guy that led us, knows all the twisties, with nice bursts of straight road to "air it out". Really a beautiful fall drive. The NSX felt great to drive again, I hadn't been driven it really since NSXPO.
You missed a fantastic day. The C&C had over 200 cars, everything from a Lussos, to the new FF (fantastically fugly). Afterwards, I went for a very (and I mean very) spirited drive with 2 friends (Porsche Turbo and Scuderia), went close to 100 miles, right past RSO's house, up past Ridgefield, around through Yorktown, damn, I don't know where the hell we went, but the guy that led us, knows all the twisties, with nice bursts of straight road to "air it out". Really a beautiful fall drive. The NSX felt great to drive again, I hadn't been driven it really since NSXPO.

Sounds like you had a great time. Love to see you prior to Thanksgiving and will be in touch when I get back. Leaving today for Cali by car. Sisters Subaru (ughhh!) 3423 miles. I'll check in with you from time to time and will be home in 10 days for a last NSX drive.
How did you get to RSO's house? Did you buy a new Hummer or a LaForza? :smile:
Welcome back, with the great weather we've been having I see another ride for sure b4 hibernation season.
Welcome back Rich glad you had a great time in Europa.
Let's get together for Cigars and Whiskey and we can talk CARS