Back in the fold

20 November 2003
Petersham, MA.
Well, last week I bought my NSX back from my son, and, although it's in hibernation for the winter, I look forward to Spring and getting back in the NSX "saddle". If possible, I plan to add some new performance and/or cosmetic enhancements to it, come summer.

I bought the car in '95 (it's a '93), and sold it to my son in '03. But, since he was now married with young children, he decided to sell it in order to fund some house projects. In fact, he almost had it sold, but the potential buyer wouldn't quite come up to the fair price he wanted. So, my wife said let's get it back.... boy, am I lucky to have a car crazy wife!

I already have a couple cars that don't get driven enough, and a space problem when it comes time to store them for winter, but the emotional pull of this car was just too much to let pass, espacially given the second chance, when it didn't sell immediately. So, come spring I'll be selling one of my other cars in order to rationalize the decision to keep the NSX... if it's possible to justify any car decision, especially cars such as these!

Anyway, I look forward to getting caught up (in the FAQs) on the latest performance, cosmetic, and technical information and products, and learning from the experienced members of this forum. Nice to be back.