Back after a short hiatus...

6 June 2005
Hey all,

Don't know how many remember me, but i have met some of you over the years (most recently Brylek at one of last years Supercar Saturdays).

Anyway, I wasn't active on the boards after I got my GTR in '09 and since then the NSX has been in hibernation mode. Well, i just recently SOLD the GTR (long story but lets just say funds and priorities have changed in the last year).

This summer I'm gonna be awakening the NSX and plan to attend some meets and reintroduce myself to the community :)

So, hope to see you out there and don't hesitate to message me if you see me on the road or want to inform me of any meets going on.

Peace! :D

It looks like it didn't take you long to sell the GTR, that's always nice to hear :). It's good to see you here, hopefully we will have an occasion to meet soon.

Is anyone up for a meet? Common - John is back :D.
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Paul- always up for a meet. Let's get this one started with 3 NA2 silverstones leading the pack.

I have June 9th on my calendar for the Midwest regional and will confirm once I know for sure that I can make it. Up for something with the local NSX community anytime before that.

Hope to see you and others sometime soon.
