back aches

17 June 2008
do any of you ever get back aches from getting in and out of the nsx and also driveing for hours with the car. thank you.
I've had a bad back for nearly 30 years.

The one place where my back *never* hurts is behind the wheel of my NSX. I've driven 800 miles straight without any back or butt pain whatsoever.
I'm not exactly spry anymore, but driving the NSX for hours has never given me any pain. Some may have a struggle getting in and out, but I think it's the most confortable car to drive that I've ever had. That said carrying a lot of stuff for a long trip is a bit problematic. Howard
Getting in and out could be difficult for some, but once in place, very few cars have seats as comfortable. I've driven from my home out to Columbus Ohio (and back) for NSXPO, not a moment of discomfort!!!
Interesting. The NSX is perfectly comfortable for me; and yet the first time I took my dad for a spin in the car, he started squirming around complaining of discomfort.
And we pretty much have the same build.:confused:
Maybe the seats give back aches to only people with existing back conditions.

Even on my short drives (20-30 min) to and from work, my lower back will sometimes hurt for several minutes after I exit the car. But I have a minor back condition that **sometimes** pops up in some situatons, like running for more than a mile or two.
The NSX seats are the most comfortable seats I have ever sat in. I have driven Seattle To Salt Lake City with only one stop four times. Longest leg was 545 miles in one sitting with no back complaints. I have a two-level fusion at L4-L5, L5-S1.

Only when bending over the engine compartment for hours :redface:. That'll show your age for sure.

You can say that again, I can hardly stand after bending over the engine today.

I've always had back problems, it can only take so much before giving out.
I added an inch of foam as extra lumbar to both the driver and passenger seats. It is a 15 min mod that makes all the difference in the seats for those long trips.

I cut a piece of foam 1"X8"X5".
Pulled the inner seat skin off. (it hooks down where the seat back meets the lower seat.
put the foam in and re hooked the inner seat skin. (this is the hardest part.

I liked it so much, I did the S2000 as well.
What I have noticed was that the comfort of the seats depends on your current posture. When I first purchased this vehicle, I slouched a little with my shoulders leaning forward as well. After I started hitting the gym again, and strengthened my back and my shoulders I stand up perfectly straight and the NSX's seats became painless. This is even after sitting in it for a good 5 hours, I was amazed at how comfortable they were all along just like what everyone else said.
yeah i dont have my L4 and L5 discs so I walk around all day long with pain. but the only time I dont have back pain is in the NSX.
Went from FL to WA, along the southern route and up the west coast; most comfortable stock seats eva!

This is with harrington rods from t11 to L4 and L1-L3 fusion as well. The back hurts all the time, but I feel a lot better driving in the NSX than sitting around the house.:tongue:
Odd, I've had my back hurt after 2-3 hours in the NSX. I bought a small travel pillow (like $10-$15) and put it back there and it went away. Also, I realized I had the seat too far back, and since I've moved it forward the problem has gone away.

I've also hit the gym since then, which probably didn't hurt. And I don't have a history of back problems (yet - I'm only 25!)
I'm not exactly spry anymore, but driving the NSX for hours has never given me any pain. Some may have a struggle getting in and out, but I think it's the most confortable car to drive that I've ever had.

The NSX seats are the most comfortable seats I have ever sat in.

I have driven Seattle To Salt Lake City with only one stop four times. Longest leg was 545 miles in one sitting with no back complaints.
Wow, that may be the most miles I've ever heard of anyone driving without stopping to fill up. You must have been on fumes by the end of it!

The one place where my back *never* hurts is behind the wheel of my NSX.

I've driven 800 miles straight without any back or butt pain whatsoever.
Without stopping to refuel? That's difficult to believe, unless you were using this. :biggrin:
Take that 3" thinck wallet out of your back pocket! Try lowering the rear tire pressure just a bit. Set your seat position so that your left foot can bottom out the clutch and while there, adjust the backrest so that you are comfortable.
The original equip seats are pretty good but for taller drivers, adjustable leg supports would have been nice. My problem is my size 14 shoe---I can pretty well get all 3 pedals at once if I'm not careful!:biggrin:
Take that 3" thinck wallet out of your back pocket! Try lowering the rear tire pressure just a bit. Set your seat position so that your left foot can bottom out the clutch and while there, adjust the backrest so that you are comfortable.
The original equip seats are pretty good but for taller drivers, adjustable leg supports would have been nice. My problem is my size 14 shoe---I can pretty well get all 3 pedals at once if I'm not careful!:biggrin:

Really good advice. Especially about the wallet! I also find that during really long stints behind the wheel my back benefits from changing my seat back angle and/or fore and aft adjustment a bit every hour or so.
I've had a bad back for nearly 30 years.

The one place where my back *never* hurts is behind the wheel of my NSX. I've driven 800 miles straight without any back or butt pain whatsoever.

I've noticed the same when I bought my NSX. Of ANY car I have ever owned and even current, the NSX is the most comfortable in the seat. Rough ride.. but, VERY comfortable and I feel no tension anywhere in my back.

For that reason - I would NEVER EVER replace my NSX seats with anything aftermarket.
I drove from Houston to Nashville when I bought my car - one day drive and it was about 14 hours - my butt started hurting a bit in the 14th hour. The rest of the trip was great. The seats are not a problem - they are almost the best seats I've ever had - what were the best seats to me you might ask - 65 Volvo P1800 - the old TV series - The Saint with Roger Moore - remember that one? Well the seats were awesome - had lumbar support and somewhat similar in the seat cushion to the NSX. Otherwise of the 30 cars I've had or so - the NSX's are the best! No doubt.
I drove from Houston to Nashville when I bought my car - one day drive and it was about 14 hours - my butt started hurting a bit in the 14th hour. The rest of the trip was great. The seats are not a problem - they are almost the best seats I've ever had - what were the best seats to me you might ask - 65 Volvo P1800 - the old TV series - The Saint with Roger Moore - remember that one? Well the seats were awesome - had lumbar support and somewhat similar in the seat cushion to the NSX. Otherwise of the 30 cars I've had or so - the NSX's are the best! No doubt.

I hurt my knee and back at work in November. I was able to drive my car a few times between taking my pain pills and find getting in and out very difficult now. I cant sit for more than 10 minutes without extreme pain in any seat.

I also have suffered from sculiosis my whole life and have pain in EVERY car I own, except for the NSX. I drove from West Palm Beach to Chicago with ZERO pain!

do any of you ever get back aches from getting in and out of the nsx and also driveing for hours with the car. thank you.

How are you getting in and out of your NSX? Are you twisting your lower back without any support? I normally get in and out of the NSX by placing one hand on the bottom door sill to give me leverage without putting stress on my lower back. As for driving, never got any back pains from driving.

That particular trip was from Seattle To Mountain Home, ID, on the way to SLC. The mileage was 32.x mpg. I had ~.75 gallon left. My all time high mileage was 33.59 over a several hundred mile trip. The numbers are impressive considering the car is an automatic. One of the big keys to success is non-ethanol fuel.
