Awesome NSX video from our member autoboy

8 March 2006
I don't know if this was posted before or not, but I am on this forum enough to know when someone's excellent video and cool car aren't seen and known enough. So I am taking the liberty to just post or repost this so more people can see autoboy's hard work.

Please comment so the video stays up for more people to see.

<iframe src="" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe> <p><a href="">NSeX</a> from <a href="">bR2y</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.</p>

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And I really want to know what the complete exhaust system and flywheel are because it sounds awesome.
Its been posted before and he actually started to do a small part out on the car. He said he was going in a different direction with it. Bad Ass car none the less.