Avatar Help...

1 February 2002
San Dimas, CA
Had a question for all of you with nice clear avatars...whenever I resize my pics (1024 x768) down to 100x100 pixels the pic gets REAL small(like 1/2 of a normal avatar) and blurry, how does everyone get large nice clear ones??? thanks
What software are you using? Send me the pic you want to use as your avatar pic, and I can give it a shot if you want.
In case PHOEN$X doesn't have time to help everyone else reading this with the same problem.... ;) ....here's my over-simplified guide:

1) take original 1024x768 (or whatever)
2) resize it down by about HALF (eg.640x480)
3) Sharpen it
4) now resize it down to the size you want (eg. 144x144)
5) Sharpen it again... if you're a PaintShopPro user, i highly recommend playing around with the UNSHARP MASK which is the best software feature since using Microsoft used the 'Start' Button to 'Shut down'. :p
One professional technique is to blur the photo BEFORE shrinking it, then sharpen it AFTER you shrink it.
Also make sure you are using all of the pixels available to you.

You have 144 x 144 pixels, so when you are resizing a quality image, create a 2" x 2" image at 72 dpi (or various proportions of the same) so you do not end up stretching a low res image to fit the space available.