Autotrader vs.

I think Autotrader has more listings. I don't know if that means it 'larger' or not. I also believe that is primarily dealer listings, whereas Autotrader has both.
AutoTrader has more listings, but also more junk listings. I found my NSX on from a private seller.
I don't know who is bigger. But, I sold 4 cars this past year and listed them on both AutoTrader and The ultimate buyers were two from AutoTrader and two from I also had about an equal amount of inquiries from both.... maybe a little more fro AutoTrader.

So, I'd say, based on my experience, that looking or advertising in both is beneificial.

Does anyone know which is the larger, more popular of these two sites?

I assume you are asking because you want to sell your car (and only want to pay for one ad.)

I'm not sure if one is better than the other. I would guess most people look in both. I've bought cars from both sites.
I shopped both sites when looking for my NSX. Found high quality cars on both sites but had more expensive cars. Dealers and individuals on both. Crappy listings (e.g. one picture) 0n both. LOOKS nicer and the search results were more useful.

But I found my car on Autotrader.

If I were looking again I'd look in both places.