Auto problem

29 May 2003
Today I was driving my 94' automatic. Never had any problems with it before..........I have 70,000 miles on it.
I left the house and everything was fine. I then stopped at a store. When I left and pulled out the car started acting as if the clutch was slipping. I pulled off and tried all gears. (1,2,3 D) Same in every gear. It would pull but it was reving up as if the clutch was going out. I shut off the engine and restarted it and it was amazingly fixed. Is there a 'reset' or soemthing that would have caused this? It did it again later tonight and once again........all I have to do is shut off the engine and restart and it seems to fix the problem. I could not get it to act up anymore but now I am very worried about what it could be.

Thanks alot, Danny
i worked on a civic that did something similar once..... drove fine for like 2 mins, the started slipping progressively getting worse..... shut the car off and let it sit for a while.... then repeat. Something to do with losing hydrolic pressure inside the tranny.

Another thing might be, since you mentioned shutting off the car then starting it again...... The solinoids on the tranny (they look like twin vtec solinoids0 may be sticking? and shutting the car off, and starting it again is giving them enough of a pulse through their coils to unstick them??

just a few stupid ideas, until i can get home to lookup in my manual.

follow up

Thanks guys...........any input is terrific. One more thing - I only have to shut the car off for a second and then restart it. I don't have to let it sit at all.

Merry Christmas to everyone!!
Fluid level is fine. I did change the tranny oil about 2 months ago with the recommended ' Honda Brand'. Have had no problems until today.

replaced my transmission

Had transmission replace dat 80,000 had same problems. The filter gets clogged in your trans. When you turn the car off the trash falls from filter and is recirculated. Thats why it works fine for a while. It cost $6000 p/l at the dealer had it rebuilt for $3500 p/l. The mechanic told me to change fluid every 12K miles. 92 auto
Yep. I think that is it. I am going to put a complete transmission in instead of having mine rebuilt. I have found a few on the internet.
Supposedly these are - were - working just fine when they pulled them out and put in 5 speeds. This will be cheaper than putting in a rebuilt trans from Acura.
Thanks for the post - Dan
Re: replaced my transmission

legend2nsx said:
Had transmission replace dat 80,000 had same problems. The filter gets clogged in your trans. When you turn the car off the trash falls from filter and is recirculated. Thats why it works fine for a while.

The filter can't be cleaned/replaced?
the filter is internal and make sure you get a new or rebuilt torque convertor using the old one will put trash back into the tranny. If you buy a used trans make sure the torque con. comes with it I have been down that road.

I had the same problem on two other cars.
One was a Lexus SC400. It also has the internal filter. The filter got clogged. The car has a pump that circulates the fluid and it would not circulate with the clogged filter. After a while, it just would not go anymore. The engine would rev, but I had that same clutch slipping feeling. I had the transmission rebuilt for 3500.00.

The other car was a BMW 318is. It turned out to be an electrial problem.

Good luck!

Tranny slippage

One more thing to check before buying a transmission... we've seen Honda cars with automatics that intermittently slip on start-up, and found several that the transmission cable was binding and sticking, and it caused the transmission to not go all the way into drive. It will sometimes go away and work perfectly on the very next start-up because the driver put the vehicle back in park to restart it, and then back in drive. Your post mentions that you tried all the gears individually, so this possibility is a real "stretch". Just an idea in case that's a problem with your cable, as we replace many at our Honda dealership, many with this symptom. Our climate area uses a lot of road salt to melt snow and ice, so that's the culprit on the cables going bad. Good luck!