Australia's Miss.Universe stuffs-up...

2 October 2001
You gotta laugh... <B>FuryNSX's</B> aussie girlfriend, the current Miss Universe, Jennifer Hawkins REALLY stuffed up today... not sure if you guys in the USA saw the footage.

She was exiting the cat walk when the blue dress she was wearing came undone. She was left in the middle of the catwalk wearing a thong; flashing a HUGE MOONIE at the audience. poor girl, how embarrassing.

The funny thing is it's been BIG NEWS here in Australia. Every news break has used it as a opportunity to re-use the footage. Aussie TV is so sad! :rolleyes:

(this link is work-safe... i couldn't find a pix of the stuff up)
Neo....Did they give here the Aussie cheer?? Aussie, Aussie, Aussie....

BTW...Aussie TV is much better than US coverage, I dont even think then know about the southern hemisphere!

And she told me that I was the only one she was dating!!:D
NeoNSX said:
You gotta laugh... <B>FuryNSX's</B> aussie girlfriend, the current Miss Universe, Jennifer Hawkins REALLY stuffed up today... not sure if you guys in the USA saw the footage.

Like Carguy says, where's the video?!! :D

But really, thanks for thinking of me. :) It's great to see her again. Sigh. :) She's such a sweetie!!


P.S. WOW!!! She's even hotter than I thought: ......"The 20-year-old Bondi-based model and Newcastle Knights NRL cheerleader. "
NeoNSX said:
You gotta laugh... <B>FuryNSX's</B> aussie girlfriend, the current Miss Universe, Jennifer Hawkins REALLY stuffed up today... not sure if you guys in the USA saw the footage.


You should know by now that you can not show bad bad pictures like that in the will corrupt the mind of the young :D

For those in the US..the behind looked really good :eek: :D

(Not trying to start a political debat here..just poking some fun at the US and their fear of nipples and buns and stuff ) :D

I was watching the news here in cali and the station showed the skirt falling down like 3 or 4 times. its funny how she covers her ass with her hand while running backstage.
ADNOH said:
I was watching the news here in cali and the station showed the skirt falling down like 3 or 4 times. its funny how she covers her ass with her hand while running backstage.

What station? What market? :D
svalleynsx said:
What station? What market? :D
Im in the oc, and the station is KCAL9(chanel9). Im pretty sure all the local news stations will show it today.
she could have just laughed it wouldn't be as embarrassing if she had like slapped her ass and done something silly to deflate the situation..oh well :p

but then again she's Miss UNIVERSE, what does she care what some mere mortals think? hehe
<B>Satan</B>, she did laugh it off. But it obviously caught her off guard and that's why she reacted the way she did. She handled herself in true aussie fashion -- laughing at herself.

The cameraman didn't wash anytime zooming in on her butt though. Typical male.... :rolleyes: :D