Austrailian dolphin incident...

15 February 2003
Fort Lauderdale
anyone else hear about the 4 lifeguards that were in the ocean when they noticed a pod of dolphins swimming around them, keeping them in the middle. They later noticed a shark swimming on the outside of the 'circle'. After 40 minutes or so, the shark left and the dolphins dispersed...

pretty cool, huh??
Did not realize that dolphins were so intellegent :smile:
Lifeguarding is a pro sport in some places like Australia,they have a competitive series of life guard events.BTW dolphins can talk,just ask George C. Scott. :wink:
Malibu Rapper said:
Here is the story.

Dolphins are really smart. They can also suffer from depression and have been known to commit suicide. If you've ever seen when the big ships fish for tuna with a net, the dolphins all know to patiently wait for for the divers to come out and lower the net for the dolphins to get out.

Another link

Yeah, but not smart enough not to get caught in the first place. ;)
W said:
Yeah, but not smart enough not to get caught in the first place. ;)

Actually it sounds like it goes down exactly how the dolphins want it to: they get "trapped" in a net full of tuna, they eat until they can barely swim, then humans come and let them out. Sort of like a buffet. No wonder dolphins like people :)