Austin: "the-last-Sunday-of-the-month" brunch (May 31st/'09)...


Gold Member, Moderator: Marketplace
12 August 2003
Austin, Republic of Texas
In continuation of the Austin-area "last-Sunday-of-the-month" meetups, I'm going to be hosting a brunch (actually an early lunch) at my residence. Some NSX peeps' may be at TWS Motorsports in the morning & they invited to stop by afterwards. Also, out-of-'towne NSX'ers are more than welcome, as always.


When: Sunday, May 31st @ 12:00pm (don't be early, I won't be...)

Where: my residence in Greater Austin

Who: local/regional NSX-owners & friends (need ballpark head-count by Sat' evening to plan accordingly)

What: brunch (more of an early lunch)

Contact: pls' PM

I will have the food & beverages taken care of. If you wish to bring something-something that is ultimately up to you, it is not required/necessary/expected.

After/during eating, we can detail NSX'es and/or just veg' out & conversate [sic]. A friend of mine who is a detailing enthusiast will be there for pointers & so forth. If in the mood, we can go on a leisurely/scenic drive afterwards & grab some dessert/drinks somewhere by the lakes. . .

1. Osiris_x11 (w/ 6+ guests)
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1. Osiris_x11 (w/ 6+ guests)
2. ojas + 0
3. Blackoutz (+1) Tenantive- will know for sure by tomm fri)

I will know for sure by tomm.

Blaine Waddell
so it sounds like you decited to go True!! We can meet up sunday morning and drive up together. I will call you tomm and we can arrange something.

Sounds like im good to go as well!!
1. Osiris_x11 (w/ 6+ guests)
2. ojas + 0
3. Blackoutz (+1) Tenantive- will know for sure by tomm fri)
4. doc_tai ( +1)
5. NormRD (+1.5) wife/kid probably won't stay too long
This is looking good guys!! Lets get it to 15 people!!
Bring me your hungry & your NSX-frenzied masses...

As always w/ NSX'es, moarrr the merrier! :D

1. Osiris_x11 (w/ 6+ guests)
2. ojas + 0
3. Blackoutz (+1) Tenantive- will know for sure by tomm fri)
4. doc_tai ( +1)
5. NormRD (+1.5) wife/kid probably won't stay too long
6. TxChopperGuy (planning to be there)
7. Alas-NSX (planning to be there)
I'll see what I can do, but this is my first weekend home in 3 weeks so I might have other plans; either way enjoy yourselves!
1. Osiris_x11 (w/ 6+ guests)
2. ojas + 0
3. Blackoutz (+1)
4. doc_tai ( +1)
5. NormRD (+1.5) wife/kid probably won't stay too long
6. TxChopperGuy (planning to be there)
7. Alas-NSX (planning to be there)
osiris i have a question, are there a lot of nsx's in austin because im moving to texas during the summer break and most likely im gonna move to Austin unless my dad finds another store to buy.
1. Osiris_x11 (w/ 6+ guests)
2. ojas + 0
3. Blackoutz (+1)
4. doc_tai ( +1)
5. NormRD (+1.5) wife/kid probably won't stay too long
6. TxChopperGuy (planning to be there)
7. Alas-NSX (planning to be there)
8. Bob (rbirling) (+1)

OK, count me in. Won't have the NSX, though. :-(
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update. . .

1. Osiris_x11 (w/ 8+ guests)
2. ojas + 0
3. Blackoutz (+1)
4. doc_tai ( +1)
5. NormRD (+1.5) wife/kid probably won't stay too long
6. TxChopperGuy (planning to be there)
7. Alas-NSX
8. rbirling (+1)
9. tnguyen (+2)

hey guys, im on the boat. I hate to miss!!!!
Man, I really-really wished you were around for this... :(
1. Osiris_x11 (w/ 8+ guests)
2. ojas + 0
3. Blackoutz (+1)
4. doc_tai ( +1)
5. NormRD (+1.5) wife/kid probably won't stay too long
6. TxChopperGuy (planning to be there)
7. Alas-NSX
8. rbirling (+1)
9. tnguyen (+2)
10. Alex + 0
I just wanted to say that I had a blast, I'm glad that I keep meeting more and more NSX people.

Omar, thank you very much for hosting, your food was definitely good, next time can I get a doggie bag?

Blaine I hope you and Emily made it home safe!

Everyone else it was definitely a great time, except for the stupid heat!
Thanks Umar for putting this together. The food was great. I should have asked to take some home!

Maybe we can go hunting for Antelope or have a Nascar viewing party. Shake N Bake!
Your get together was a total success Omar and Emily and I certainly appreciate it. Thanks alot for all your hospitality and can't wait to do it again!

Thanks again for letting me drove your car True. I know have an idea of what I can expect.

Thanks again

Blaine Waddell
Hey guys, I really wanted to make the gtg, but had another plans that I couldn't get away from. Then the plan was to come Saturday evening, but I was too tired, from the long day.

Hopefully I will be back in Austin soon.

all this food, and just me...

Great to see everyone. I wish there was more of me to go-around that day, to have been able to conversate [sic] more & more importantly appreciate all the fine NSX'es that everyone had! :cool:

There was sooo much food leftover, and I had actual take-away foam containers in the pantry! :rolleyes:

Ojas... O'zero, thanks for the help & everything. Rather cool that Jay stopped by as well.

Blackoutz... Blaine, great to see you again man. Glad you & Emily had a good time. Look fwd to crossing paths w/ you both whenever I'm in S.A.!

doc_tai... nice to finally meet you, Trieu. Glad you & your gf could make it.

NormRD... Richie, fun as always! Hope to see the lil' wingman next time.

rbirling... Bob, very cool of you to make it out considering your schedule. Wanna know some irony? I had two bowl of olives that I forgot about in the 'fridge, and failed to put out on the table... grrr! Please extend my regards to Kara as well, quite nice of her to stop by.

TxChopperGuy... Luis, quite appreciative of your cameo (w/ your busy weekend). SexyMexy time later this week!

Alas-NSX... Jose, you literally made my day by bringing the lil' bonita along! If NASCAR & hunting stuff was all that came to light, I consider myself lucky... lolz!

tnguyen... Tony, nice to finally cross paths w/ you. Literal head-turning build you got, to say the leasts.

GotTrack... Alex, quite nice of you to stop by. Def' need to plan something in the future.