Austin/SA area track - Harris Hill Road

31 January 2004
So, as my annual public service announcement I wanted to pimp harris hill road a little bit. I will be moving away shortly, and I've been searching for an option that's even remotely as accessible as HHR, and I'm SOL in Shreveport. My best option is to drive the 400 miles back to HHR.

I wish I would have brought my NSX out to the track much sooner. My biggest fear was wrecking and insurance dropping me, but it's actually a pretty safe track. Any damage from driving mishaps will be mostly to your wheels/tires if you are prepared and react right (both feet in!). It's also much safer (legally and actually) than having fun out on the public roads. Having gone off a few times, I have some cosmetic blemishes on my wheels, but the potholes in San Antonio actually damaged my wheel...

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I live 2 hrs south of Shreveport in Alexandria. I have been to HHR and TWS in my NSX. I have never been to a track in La. I know there is one in Baton Rouge but that would be a 4hr drive from Shreveport so unless there is something in Dallas, ArK., or Miss., I think you're are definitiy HH bound again.

You going to the Austin Spring run this weekend?
Nope, I'll be in Vegas/Home taking some time off..the move has begun! :) Should be able to make the next one, though.
From Shreveport - your best bet is Motor Sport Ranch in Cresson, Tx. It is a straight shot on I-20. ONLY 240 miles away from you:wink: 3.5 hr drive.

TWS in College station is 250 miles from Shreveport. Unfortunately you have to take a lot of back roads to get there.

Eagles Canyon Raceway in Decatur(NW of Dallas) is another choice. Prolly 255 miles from you.

Plenty of good choices. GL with the move.
I got myself a Harris Hill membership three weeks ago.

I've only been out once in the NSX.

I'm sure I will be there more regularly once I finish a few things on the NSX and also get the Spec Miata closer to spec (as in a roll cage and hard top).