Austin: Hope no one got pounded by hail

23 November 2006
Austin, Texas...Ya'll
Looks like the Miata is dented all over, the sky light is broken and from the look of it I will need a new roof.

On the bright side the NSX is looking good!

Dang, that's crazy! Sorry to hear that Jose, sounds like one hell of a PDR project. :biggrin:
Since your Miata is now a salvage titled car, I'll take it off your hands for cheap :biggrin:
Since your Miata is now a salvage titled car, I'll take it off your hands for cheap :biggrin:

I'll trade you for a M5. :biggrin:

Depending on what they tell me, I may just sell the dam thing earlier than expected.
precarious road-slime followed, lolz!

All/most of the exotic fruit-trees & rare flower bushes/shrubs out back got pummeled. The S.U.V. out front was unfazed, not surprising as it's likely made outta lead and/or depleted Uranium... :D
...the sky light is broken and from the look of it I will need a new roof.
Hey boss, "sky-light" & "roof" as-in your actual residence/home?

Some busted shingles & warped flashing from past hail/wind-storms years ago caused unnoticed leaks which then resulted in discoloration/fragmentation of the stucco/plaster in certain rooms inside months later! Definitely address the roof-repair ASAP for any damage. . .
Depending on what they tell me, I may just sell the dam thing earlier than expected.
I've been in the market off-&-on for an MX-5 (as well as other pint-sized roadsters/Targa-types... :D), keep me in the loop if/what insurance sez'. Would adjusters write-off an entire vehicle due to cosmetic/superficial hail damage localized to certain areas? Even then, your lightly-battered Miata might be too good for my needs, ha!

Did you have a removable hard-top on it? Those things are pricey to replace, FWIRC. . .
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Did cedar park fair ok??????
Da' Rock (Round Rock), P'ville (Pfugerville), and C.P. (Cedar Park) all got hit relatively hard w/ varying size hail, side-ways rain, and some massive gusts. . .

Most of the neighborhood streets here looked fairly nasty after the storm passed (ie. leaves/vegetation/mulch/debris strewn all over). A rather gnarly slime was on the roads as well. Made driving rather fun, even in AWD/4x4 mode! :D

Hit me up w/ your addie again, I'll give your pad a superficial once-over. If you got a spare-key, mail it to me if you want a more thorough glance. No rain in the forecast for the next 4-5 days. From what I've read/heard/seen, not much if any property damage in terms of actual homes in the aforementioned areas. Vehicles, porches/enclosures/sun-rooms/land-scaping/etc' obviously were affected here & there. . .
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HOLY CHIT!!! Glad every body's NSX is fine.

We had some hail yesterday but all my nice cars were in the garage.

if you need a roof and/or attic insulation, let me know, I might be able to help out a little.
Re: precarious road-slime followed, lolz!

All/most of the exotic fruit-trees & rare flower bushes/shrubs out back got pummeled. The S.U.V. out front was unfazed, not surprising as it's likely made outta lead and/or depleted Uranium... :D
Hey boss, "sky-light" & "roof" as-in your actual residence/home?

Yup. We have two sun tunnels. One was shattered out and the roof has pits. They were the biggest I have seen. About 2-2.5" in diameter. Crazy!!

Some busted shingles & warped flashing from past hail/wind-storms years ago caused unnoticed leaks which then resulted in discoloration/fragmentation of the stucco/plaster in certain rooms inside months later! Definitely address the roof-repair ASAP for any damage. . .
I've been in the market off-&-on for an MX-5 (as well as other pint-sized roadsters/Targa-types... :D), keep me in the loop if/what insurance sez'. Would adjusters write-off an entire vehicle due to cosmetic/superficial hail damage localized to certain areas? Even then, your lightly-battered Miata might be too good for my needs, ha!

Did you have a removable hard-top on it? Those things are pricey to replace, FWIRC. . .

Called insurance company within an hour of seeing the roof myself. I'm no expert but it is obvious to me we need a new roof.
Im offshore on a drillship pulling my hair out, wondering if my crib got damaged.:confused: Did cedar park fair ok??????

I live just south of Cedar Park. Chances are you were okay since the focus of the storm was just a bit south of that. Luis and Chris would know for sure.

PM if you need to swing by and take a look.
I'm in Avery Ranch (620/Parmer) basically between Cedar Park and Round Rock. Had lots of 1" hail here but not the golf/baseball size stuff others good.

3 cars and only 2 car garage...looks like cheapest car left wife's WRX got hit...good amount of damage and filed a claim.

Had roof checked out as well, climbed up there with roofing guy. Could see many hail marks and he said definitely enough in a 10'x10' area to require replacement. Started claim on that one as well.

Good news...roof 8 years old and original so probably getting close to needing replacement anyway. Both Acura's (NSX & MDX) safe.
So looks like Cedar Park got hit.

Also, insurance will let me know Monday if the Miata is a total loss. Maybe I need lift now.

- José
Heck even up here in fort worth we got some itty bitty hail, I just thought it was hard rain on my way down to the dyno. Was nice and cold and not as humid as I thought it would be so I put down some good numbers. I remember rain in austin being really nasty hope no one else had problems. Good luck with your Mx5 sir.
I was very lucky I didn't get hit over here at mopac and Palmer, my bike was sitting outside with just a light cover over it. Car was in a garage at work though. My friend's rear window got shattered and glass fell all over where his twins are usually sitting in their little car seats. Very fortunate they weren't riding with his wife at the time.