austin area NSX owners... can someone help?

22 July 2007
Austin, TX
hello folks...

i am looking at an NSX here in town... and am very interested in making the purchase. it is a black 91 (snap ring issue has been fixed) with 132,000 miles on the car. i have a detailed history of everything the car has been through... and test drove it a couple of days ago.

i have already read the information in the wiki portion of this website about what i need to look for in/on the car.

i would GREATLY appreciate it if i could talk to one of you on the phone about some of my concerns. i have no idea if i am stepping outside accepted protocol by asking for that :). but if any experienced owner is willing to chat on the phone for 10-15 minutes... that would rock!

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PM me with your phone number and what time frames you would be able to talk. I'm in Plano but I have a 91 with 90k miles so I can answer a lot of your questions about the higher mileage and what to look out for.
A couple of other things I forgot to mention during our conversation... Both the main relay and ignition switch tend to go out (my ignition switch went out on me). Both are fairly cheap parts ($50-60) but its something you might want to ask the owner about and replace if he hasn't just so it doesn't leave you stranded as your daily driver.
thanks to everyone i have talked to so far!! you guys have been exceptionally helpful!

i am getting a PPI done at mcdavid tomorrow... i'll let you folks know what transpires :)

EDIT: well... turns out i will be taking it in to mcdavid on thursday.
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so what did david chavez at mcdavid have to say?


turns out he recommends about $6100 worth of fixes.

front brake
reseal oil pan
replace valve covers
replace clutch slave cylinder hose
reseal VTEC solenoids
120k service
replace plugs
lower dash
t-belt package
replace antenna
replace alternator

any idea why he/they would want to reseal the VTEC solenoids?

in my estimation... none of these are deal breakers. but they are necessary bargaining chips in negotiating a fair price for the car.

thoughts/feedback/ideas... i'm all ears :)
I'm curious what the seller is asking for the car.....

Why does McDavid recommend replacing the lower dash?

I wouldn't pay a dealer to replace the antenna.

Other things you didn't mention about the car:

- how stock is it? wheels? suspension? etc.?
- in your view what is the cosmetic condition of the car?

No matter what - as an Austin area resident I'd like to see the NSX stay in Austin and hope it meets your needs at a fair price!
mcdavid recommended replacng the lower dash because there is a plastic piece missing there :)

the car is entirely stock... with the exception of having the updated 16/17 inch wheels from a later model year.

the cosmetic condition of the car is a 7/10 in my estimate.

oh... and the car WILL be staying in austin because i bought it yesterday!! :)
thank you sir :)

i am definitely not going to be taking it easy on the car. i picked it up on thrursday... and i am autocrossing it tomorrow! so i should have some action shots soon.
Hi Shrddr - now that you own the car - I'll add it to the unofficial list of Austin-area NSXs. Where are you and the car likely to be seen (where in Austin)?

I know enough about the car.....
i live near mopac and far west... and i am a grad student at UT. so you will likely see it along mopac a lot :)
oh... and by the way... from the list of recommended fixes that mcdavid provided... turns out several of them are already done (the previous owner provided me with documented proof).

here are the ones that are already done:
reseal oil pan
120k service
replace plugs
t-belt package

which leaves these as "not yet done":
front brake
replace valve covers
replace clutch slave cylinder hose
reseal VTEC solenoids
lower dash
replace antenna
replace alternator

i have no idea why mcdavid recommends replacing the alternator... the electrical systems seem to be functioning perfectly normally.

crazy dealerships :)
Ah, so you're the one that bought that NSX! Congrats, my friend forwarded me the Spokes list email ad the previous owner sent out, which re-ignited my desire to get an NSX. :)

Enjoy the car, I hope to be able to join the ranks in the near future.
i live near mopac and far west... and i am a grad student at UT. so you will likely see it along mopac a lot :)

I don't have my list on this computer, but I am now aware of 13 NSXs in Austin belonging to Prime members. One more that I'm aware of but not in the hands of Prime member. Yours was apparently not a Prime car either.

If Austin metro is about 750,000 people that means about 53,571 people per NSX in Austin.