August meet

I've owned my NSX for almost three years now and have never met up with you all. Sounds like a good event to introduce myself. My friend Ray will probably join with his S2000 as well. Has a time and place to meet up been set yet?
You folks should all come up to whidbey! Hit up Deception Pass State Park and then get some food somewhere and go for a drive? Who knows, it could work? Could even make it a multi-forum event... I know the Nissan Pacific guys and the EVO guys up here too.

from previous post

Geez, we wouldn't want to let my normally happy go lucky demeanor get in the way of good order and discipline now would we?

I guess count me in for the mount baker run, seeing as how i only live a couple hours away anyways...

My friend who owns an NSX in California will be joining us for the drive, but will be in his PNW vehicle, an EVO.
Geez, we wouldn't want to let my normally happy go lucky demeanor get in the way of good order and discipline now would we?

I guess count me in for the mount baker run, seeing as how i only live a couple hours away anyways...

My friend who owns an NSX in California will be joining us for the drive, but will be in his PNW vehicle, an EVO.

from my post it seems Oct. Nov. Dec. are still available if it makes you feel better :tongue:
This is not official, but we used to meet at 3 main gathering points: one in Kirkland park and ride 405 exit 17, the other is up at smokey point park and ride, believed it's between exit 207 and 208; Last one would be the Chinook Casino before we all going up Baker.

CORRECTED Details will be followed, please check back.

And, WELCOME to the NW nsx group. :biggrin:


PS. Jan and Al!!! will be there too, :cool: Question is, "who's driving this year?" :)

ok, You guys need to find me a job Sooner or later; looks like I'm missing work again.
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from my post it seems Oct. Nov. Dec. are still available if it makes you feel better :tongue:

Mmm, middle of the rainy, snowy, crap season sounds good! Not. :tongue:
Details & schedule coming by tomorrow night, but pretty much the same as every year. Kirkland Park & Ride at I-405 and 70th St, arrive by 7:15am - leaving at 7:30am sharp. $5.00 for use of the lodge and $5.00 - $7.00 for National Park fee. Bring your own food, the lodge is only open for tables and bathroom use. I spoke to Gwen Howat, manager of Mt Baker Ski Area - and we are a go for next Sunday. Have a full tank and pray for sun!