Audi R8 comparison note....


Legendary Member
12 February 2002
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Lately, there have been a few threads on the new Audi R8 and how it does or does not compare with the NSX.
Then I read about the Audi R8 having about 340 RWHP. That made me think.

The Audi R8 weighs about 1600 kg fully loaded = 3527 lbs
It has 420 HP, giving it a ratio of 3527/420 = 8.40 lbs per HP
My NSX weighs 1350 kg fully loaded = 2976 lbs.
It has about 306 HP, ratio is 2976/306 = 9.73 lbs per HP, or, significantly more than the R8.

However, if the Audi R8 has just 340 RWHP, that ratio drops to an effective 3527/340 = 10.37 lbs per HP.
My NSX has just over 269 RWHP, giving it 11.06 lbs per HP
To get it up to the R8 level, it shoulde have 2976/10.37 = 287 RWHP.

Or, it other words, if your NSX has about 287 RWHP (equals about 326 crank HP) it should have the same effective ratio as the R8. Somehow, this sounds very low to me, but the numbers seem to be correct.
At the same time, to get the gross ratio up the NSX should have about 2976/8.40 = 354 HP at the crank (or about 311 RWHP).

The latter number sounds a bit more credible to me, but nevertheless, it seems that a NSX would not need even that much more power to be equal to a top-of-the-line sportscar as the R8.
Made me feel a bit better about that old NSX that I have :smile:

Any comments on this ?
My NSX will be featured in CAR Magazine in either December or January of 2008 in comparison with the Audi R8. The R8 is being touted as this generations NSX hence why the editor is interested in doing the comparison.

I'll scan the magazine onto NSX Prime as it will be interesting to read what is written especially the numbers.
Jetpilot3, is your car modified?
Like engine wise.
This should be a good article, can't wait.
My NSX will be featured in CAR Magazine in either December or January of 2008 in comparison with the Audi R8. The R8 is being touted as this generations NSX hence why the editor is interested in doing the comparison.

I'll scan the magazine onto NSX Prime as it will be interesting to read what is written especially the numbers.
Damn, how'd you pull that off. Thats pretty cool. Congrats.
hehe...I know the editor and he knew my NSX was coming to Dubai so hence the opportunity. I was featured along with the local S2000 club when they also profiled the S....

Yeah the NSX is modded slightly but still very much stock (except for JDM short gears, headers, clutch, fuel pump, lowering springs, custom wheels)...LOL :)
Lately, there have been a few threads on the new Audi R8 and how it does or does not compare with the NSX.
Then I read about the Audi R8 having about 340 RWHP. That made me think.

The Audi R8 weighs about 1600 kg fully loaded = 3527 lbs
It has 420 HP, giving it a ratio of 3527/420 = 8.40 lbs per HP
My NSX weighs 1350 kg fully loaded = 2976 lbs.
It has about 306 HP, ratio is 2976/306 = 9.73 lbs per HP, or, significantly more than the R8.

However, if the Audi R8 has just 340 RWHP, that ratio drops to an effective 3527/340 = 10.37 lbs per HP.
My NSX has just over 269 RWHP, giving it 11.06 lbs per HP
To get it up to the R8 level, it shoulde have 2976/10.37 = 287 RWHP.

Or, it other words, if your NSX has about 287 RWHP (equals about 326 crank HP) it should have the same effective ratio as the R8. Somehow, this sounds very low to me, but the numbers seem to be correct.
At the same time, to get the gross ratio up the NSX should have about 2976/8.40 = 354 HP at the crank (or about 311 RWHP).

The latter number sounds a bit more credible to me, but nevertheless, it seems that a NSX would not need even that much more power to be equal to a top-of-the-line sportscar as the R8.
Made me feel a bit better about that old NSX that I have :smile:

Any comments on this ?

This is a great question, and I'd like to know people's thoughts on this too. One question I had for yu was how did you get at the whp number for the R8? You list it RWHP, but I thought the R8 is all wheel drive, so it should read WHP or AWHP. However, I'm guessing that was just a typo, because it looks like you took into account the higher all wheel drive losses. One thing I've heard (but not confirmed) is that great advances in technology has allowed transmission and engine losses to be reduced so more power is transferred to the wheels. Perhaps the R8 is able to transfer more than 340 whp from the crank? Just a speculation. Although I'm sure it is able to transfer the power to the pavement than the NSX being AWD, so that could help explain superior performance.

After doing a bit more research, though, I came across the wikipedia for the R8. IF that information is correct (and that is a big IF), then what it's saying and what you are saying match up pretty well. It statest that the 0-60 and 1/4 miles times are 4.4 and 12.5 seconds repectively. If that is true, then what you are saying, it seems comparable to a nicely modified NSX, seems to be pretty accurate. That's interesting because for the price, it doesn't seem like a quantum leap in performance. When I test drove the Gallardo, it didn't strike me as wickedly fast. Fast but in a gradual bland sort of way. With 100 or so hp less, I can only imagine that the R8 probably isn't all that fast (at least for the price and what you could get comparably).
This is a great question, and I'd like to know people's thoughts on this too. One question I had for yu was how did you get at the whp number for the R8? You list it RWHP, but I thought the R8 is all wheel drive, so it should read WHP or AWHP.

I found the R8 dyno here:

You are right of course, I should have written AWHP instead of RWHP.

One thing I have learned from driving the NSX over the last years, is that in fact many cars are actually very close in terms of performance or cornering ability or acceleration numbers than car magazines and brochures like us to believe.
I have been asked many times how fast my car is from 0-100 kph (0-62 mph) and when I say "about 5.4 seconds", people think it is slow because this or that car is 'much' faster.
I always ask them, did you actually DRIVE that car or did you just READ that number somewhere?
Do you think you can feel 0.2 seconds difference?
Do you know what it takes to get such a short time in a car?