Audi: Holy Cow!

:eek: i bet they didn't test for that in a simulator! that's horrific.

btw, did anyone notice the photo of the dashboard - looks like the speedo is stuck on ~100mph.
Thats 100kph, it looks like it hit the tree sideways in the air! That is a horrible accident, by far one of the worst I have ever seen pictures of. There are a lot of people on that forum that thinks it is fake! Do they really think that you could fake something like that?
Carguy! said:
There are a lot of people on that forum that thinks it is fake! Do they really think that you could fake something like that?

Maybe a scared straight type of program.

I noticed there's no blood anywhere on or in the vehicle, although there appears to be some soaked into the bark of the trees. The driver must have been thrown from the vehicle then from the impact?

However there's no visible sign of broken glass other than some very small particles on the dash above the HVAC/Radio controls. Shouldn't there be more? Especially on the ground?
Also, someone on that thread mentioned that there are no gouge marks in the ground. If the motor (and other parts) really came flying out of the wreck, wouldn't they have dug into the dirt some before coming to rest?

One other thing I noticed is that the rear part of the car is not touching the tree in one picture, then has the bumper wrapped around the tree in others. Maybe one picture was taken after they moved that part, who knows?

Is it fake? Very possible. Why would someone fake a scene like this? Who knows.
Kinan said:
The link is FARKED for me.

me too I even went to the Audi site and tried to do a search for tree crash and could not find it. Anyone want to post some exact phrases I could run a search on to bring up the link.
Did you guy's see the white sheets on the ground, covering the two body's?
It would be way to hard to fake that.
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prova4re said:
Did you guy's see the white sheets on the groun, covering the two body's?
It would be way to hard to fake that.
What is so hard about faking bodies covered by sheets?

If this is really a staged setup, that is easily done. Also, notice, there is no blood on the sheets. How likely is that in such a violent accident?
nkb said:
What is so hard about faking bodies covered by sheets?

If this is really a staged setup, that is easily done. Also, notice, there is no blood on the sheets. How likely is that in such a violent accident?

I ment as a joke. HA ha
It’s staged. I like how the engine unbolted itself and landed perfectly upright. We also don’t see any evidence of air bag deployment. An accident of this magnitude would look much more gruesome with glass and dirt and fluids (coolant, oil, gas, blood) everywhere. Look at the wheels in the photo, there are no scratch marks! The tires even look clean—if it were real deal, the tires and wheels would resemble the earth that stopped their motion.

Interesting observation about the tires and wheels leaving marks but wouldn't whoever staged it leave marks setting it up as well?

And where does one get a door that neatly wraps around a tree uniformly and then find a tree that fits it exactly with accompanying missing bark?

In the 3rd picture down you can see the windshield still in one cracked piece. In a crash of this magnitude, the remaining windows and fluids would spray around every where and be impossible to trace.

This doesn't look like a frontal impact crash so the airbags wouldn't have been triggered to detonate.

It looks like the car approached from the right but was in a reverse skid, slid into the tree and split. This would explain why passenger side was hit and the rear was flung off the car into the tree which it rests.

If this were staged would anyone go to the trouble to bring along so many small bits and pieces and toss them around? For what effect? wouldn't the car's pieces be enough?

And why stage it in the middle of a wooded forest?

I know of a crash when I was still a kid where a car crashed into a tree in front of a guy's house at night and made such a loud noise the guy came out from his house to see what was up. The car had broken up into 3 pieces, (front, rear, engine). The guy was expecting to see a car but instead didn't see anything and never reported it. When he awoke to go to work, he finds an engine in his driveway, 2 other pieces of car strewn about and one very motionless driver near a fence instead of the tree.

It is possible.
Still, whats up with the no tracks??
Maybe raining?
Kinan said:

And where does one get a door that neatly wraps around a tree uniformly and then find a tree that fits it exactly with accompanying missing bark?

Any door will fit perfectly around any tree with a cable and a four wheel drive truck.
I think its a fake.
If you notice none of the pine nedles have been moved.
There is no dirt impact marks, and no dirt on any of the car parts.
The motor looks like it was placed on top of the pine needles.