Attractive selection now

15 March 2005
Plymouth, Michigan
Not many NSX's on E-Bay Motors Auction lately. But the selection right now amongst newer specimens offers variety... couple of reds, a silver, an LBB or two, couple of rio pearl yellows. The LBB in NC (say what you might about the blue interior in the LBB) might be had for an attractive price, who knows. Wonder what it would be like to buy a very late model NSX from a Chrysler-Plymouth dealer? :tongue:
Anyway, to my point. Looks good! Love to see the NSX wearing all those colors. Prospective buyers: get your wallets out early this SPRING, 'cause the NSX you fancy won't be there come May. And, they don't make 'em anymore.
AND NOW featured on E-Bay Motors ( !!! ) = a pastle of scammer mobiles.
Get it now for $5,000 up front - be sure you are interested before we will sell it to you! :tongue:
Yea, sure.
Shumdit the LBB with blue at Appletree I liked...if I was looking right now I'd have bought it!
Couple days ago on EBay there was a newer LBB. The listing was evidently "pulled".